Word Counter ChatGPT Plugin – How to Guide

By David McLeod | Updated on July 22, 2023

Word Counter ChatGPT Plugin

This plugin, designed to enhance your ChatGPT experience, offers a simple yet effective solution for counting words and characters in any given text.

The Word Counter plugin is a great tool for a wide range of users. Whether you’re a writer meticulously tracking your word count, a student adhering to an essay limit, or a social media manager crafting a post within character constraints, this plugin is designed to make your life easier. 

It provides an accurate count of words and characters, ensuring that your text meets the necessary requirements without the need for manual counting.

The beauty of the Word Counter plugin lies in its simplicity and efficiency. It doesn’t require any complex authentication process and it is Free if you have ChatGPT Plus. 

Once installed, you can start using it right away, making it a straightforward and user-friendly tool.

The core feature, the word count, accurately counts the number of words in any given text, regardless of length, and no more cutting and pasting into a Google doc to use the word count feature for me. Yes!

If this is something that appeals to you read on to find out all it can do and how it does it.

Accessing The Word Counter ChatGPT Plugin

To fully utilize the features of Web Requests, it is crucial to ensure that the plugin is properly loaded. There are a few steps you need to take to ensure that the plugin functions correctly with your Prompts and requests. First and foremost, it should be installed and activated, and I have covered this process in a separate post Click Here to read my in-depth Guide.

Once completed you should have an option that looks like this.

ChatGPT Plugin
Source OpenAI

If you can see this you are all set.

What features do you get with the Word Counter ChatGPT Plugin?

Word Count: 

The core feature of the plugin is to accurately count the number of words in any given text. This is useful for writers, students, and social media managers who need to keep track of their word count.

Character Count: 

The plugin also counts the number of characters in a text. This includes a count both with and without spaces.

AI Writing Tools

Easy Installation: 

The plugin can be easily installed from the ChatGPT store with a simple search and click.

Effortless Usage: 

The plugin is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward, making it easy for anyone to use. It’s one of these things that just works.

Please note that the specific features and capabilities of the Word Counter ChatGPT Plugin may vary depending on the version of the plugin.

9 use cases for Word Counter and Who Benefits?

 Academic Writing: 

Students can use the word counter to ensure their essays, dissertations, and research papers adhere to the word limit set by their professors or academic institutions.

Professional Writing: 

Authors, journalists, and content creators can use the plugin to keep track of their word count, ensuring their pieces fit within the editorial guidelines or publishing constraints.

Social Media Management: 

Social media managers can use the word counter to craft posts that fit within the character constraints of different social media platforms.

Content Optimization

Business Reports and Proposals: 

Business professionals can use this plugin to ensure their reports, proposals, and other documents do not exceed the specified word count.

Content Marketing: 

Content marketers can use this plugin to ensure their blog posts, articles, and other content meet SEO best practices for word count.

The main use case for me is counting words in AI tools Like ChatGPT or Claude 2.0, most traditional Text Generators like Docs or Word have word counters built in, but to date, a lot of the AI bots do not.

Word Counter list of example prompts.

Please note that these prompts are just examples and should be adapted to fit the specific needs of the use case.

  • “Word Counter Count the number of words in my essay.” – This could be used by students or writers who need to meet a specific word count for their work.
  • “Word Counter How many characters are in my tweet?” – This could be used by social media users who need to stay within a character limit for their posts.
  • “Word Counter How many words are in this blog post?” – This could be used by bloggers or content creators who want to ensure their posts are a certain length.
  • “Word Counter Count the number of words in this document.” – This could be used by anyone working with text documents who needs to know the word count.
  • “Word Counter How many characters are in my code?” – This could be used by programmers who need to keep track of their code length.
  • “Word Counter Count the number of words in my novel.” – This could be used by authors who are trying to keep track of their word count for publishing purposes.
  • “Word Counter How many words are in this article?” – This could be used by researchers or students who need to cite the length of their sources.
  • “Word Counter Count the number of characters in my email.” – This could be used by anyone writing an email who wants to ensure it’s not too long.
  • “Word Counter How many words are in my report?” – This could be used by professionals who need to write reports of a certain length.
  • “Word Counter Count the number of words in my presentation.” – This could be used by anyone preparing a presentation who needs to ensure they have the right amount of content.

Please note I have started each prompt with the name of the plugin I want to use, in this case, “Word Counter”. 

This is to make sure that the right plugin is used. If you type in only the prompt, you might end up using a similar plugin and not get the results you were looking for.”

Tip For Using Word Counter ChatGPT Plugin,

A useful tip for using the Word Counter plugin with ChatGPT is to ensure you provide the full text you want to analyze in your request. 

The plugin counts the number of words and characters (with and without spaces) in the text you provide. 

If you’re asking it to analyze a document, make sure the document is in a text-readable format.

Likes and Dislikes:


  • Accurate Count: The Word Counter plugin provides an accurate count of words and characters in a given text. This can be useful for users who need to meet specific word or character limits for their content.
  • Easy to Use: The plugin is generally easy to use and does not require coding knowledge. This makes it accessible to a wide range of users.


  • Limited Functionality: The Word Counter plugin primarily counts words and characters. It does not offer additional features.

Web Requests

Plugin FAQ

The Text Count Plugin, also known as the Word Counter plugin, is a tool designed to enhance the ChatGPT experience by counting the number of words and characters in any given text. It is useful for writers, editors, students, and anyone who needs to monitor their text length.

No, the Word Counter Plugin does not require any complex authentication process. Once installed, it can be used immediately without the need for additional steps or entering any personal information

Yes, one of the main advantages of the Web Requests plugin is its ability to access real-time or up-to-date information from third-party services. This feature can greatly enhance your AI model’s capabilities, making it more practical and accurate in providing responses based on current data.

Word Counter ChatGPT plugin Conclusion

The WordCounter ChatGPT plugin is a valuable tool for content creators, offering word, and character counting capabilities. It enhances the writing process by ensuring content length and structure meet specific requirements. Integrated with ChatGPT, it supports various applications like brainstorming, keyword research, and competitor analysis.

This plugin is part of the ChatGPT suite, which allows AI to access third-party APIs, expanding its use cases. It’s a tool that, when used effectively, can help unlock our full potential and elevate content quality.

Despite its power, it’s important to remember that AI tools like the WordCounter ChatGPT plugin are here to assist and make the user more productive.

It is still early days with this type of assistant, this tech will get a whole lot better very quickly.

And that’s a future worth looking forward to.