What’s Trending ChatGPT Plugin – How to Guide

By David McLeod | Updated on July 31, 2023

What’s Trending ChatGPT Plugin

Do you ever wonder what the most popular topics are on the internet right now? As someone who makes content online, it’s really important to know what’s trending.

That way, you can make content about things that people are interested in.

There’s a new tool called the What’s Trending ChatGPT plugin that can help you with this. ChatGPT is a smart online tool that can understand and answer questions.

What's Trending ChatGPT Plugin

The What’s Trending plugin uses ChatGPT to find out what the hottest topics are on sites like YouTube, Google, Instagram, and more.

In this guide, we’ll explain everything you need to know about the What’s Trending ChatGPT plugin. You’ll learn:

  • What the plugin does.
  • What are the best Use Cases?
  • How to find popular profiles.
  • Tips to get the most out of it.

Accessing The ScholarAI ChatGPT Plugin

To fully utilize the features of ScholarAI, it is crucial to ensure that the plugin is properly loaded.

There are a few steps you need to take to ensure that the plugin functions correctly with your Prompts and requests.

First and foremost, it should be installed and activated, and I have covered this process in a separate post.

Click Here to read my in-depth Guide.

Once completed you should have an option that looks like this.

Source OpenAI

If you can see this you are all set.

What features do you get with the What’s Trending ChatGPT Plugin?

The What’s Trending plugin has some really useful features that make finding trends easy. Here are some of the key things it can do:

Searches Multiple Platforms

The plugin can search across many popular sites to find trends. You can see what’s trending on YouTube, Google, Instagram, Amazon and more. This gives you a good overview of what’s hot right now on the internet.

Provides Trend Data

When you search for a trend, the plugin gives you data about how popular it is. You’ll see things like:

  • Growth rate – how much a trend has increased recently
  • Search volume – how often a keyword or hashtag is searched
  • Post volume – how many posts are using a hashtag

This data helps you understand which trends are rising or declining.

Finds Profiles

You can use the plugin to search for popular profiles and creators on sites like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. This is great for finding influencers in your niche.

Gets Profile Analytics

If you want more data on a specific profile, the plugin can give you detailed stats by using their username or URL.

Please note that the specific features and capabilities of the What’s Trending ChatGPT Plugin may vary depending on the version of the plugin.

9 use cases for What’s Trending and Who Benefits?

 Here are 9 ways it can be useful for different goals and audiences:

  • Marketing Trend Discovery: Marketers can find rising trends to create targeted campaigns, products, and content.
  • Optimizing Content Creation: Content creators can optimize their content by aligning it with trends people are interested in.
  • Competitor Analysis: Businesses can research trending products or campaigns that competitors are using.
  • Influencer Research: Brands can discover influencers who are trending in their niche to partner with.
  • Pop Culture Research: Those in media, entertainment, and pop culture can research the latest trends.
  • Search Optimization: SEO professionals can optimize content with trending keywords that have high search volume.
  • Product Development: Product developers and managers can identify rising trending products for inspiration.
Prompt: what’s trending, give me the top 10 trending new products on Amazon in the last 30 days
  • Education: Educators and students can incorporate trending topics into curriculums and reports.
  • Sociocultural Research: Social scientists can analyze trends to understand cultural shifts.

In summary, the plugin provides valuable trend data for professionals, businesses, creators, educators, researchers, and more.

What’s Trending list of example prompts.

Based on the use cases provided earlier, here are some prompts that could be used with the ScholarAI plugin:

  • Marketing Trend Discovery: What are the top trending marketing campaigns on YouTube in the last 3 months?
  • Optimizing Content Creation: What are the most popular hashtags for fitness on Instagram currently?
Prompt: what’s trending, What are the most popular hashtags for fitness on Instagram currently?
  • Competitor Analysis: Which electronics products from Amazon are trending in sales this holiday season?
  • Influencer Research: Who are the top 5 beauty influencers on TikTok right now?
  • Pop Culture Research: What are the most trending topics about music on Twitter this week?
  • Search Optimization: Provide 10 trending keywords related to software engineering along with monthly search volumes.
  • Product Development: What new product trends are emerging in the pet industry based on Google Trends data?
  • Education: What are the most searched science topics on YouTube for high school students in 2023?
  • Sociocultural Research: What are the top trending hashtags about social justice on Instagram currently?
Trending Plugins ChatGPT
Prompt: what’s trending, how many hashtags on Instagram in the last 30 days contain ChatGPT

And when it goes wrong you will get something like this above.

The Prompt should have read “What’s Trending, how many posts on Instagram contained #ChatGPT in the last 30 days” and I would have got this Below, on my first attempt.

ChatGPT Plugin

Please note that these prompts are just examples and should be adapted to fit the specific needs of the user.

Tip For Using What’s Trending ChatGPT Plugin,

Use Specific Keywords and Hashtags

When searching for trends, use targeted keywords and hashtags related to your niche instead of broad terms. This will provide more tailored results.

For example:

  • Instead of “What are the top trends on Twitter?”, try “What are the top trends related to machine learning on Twitter this week?”
  • Rather than “What are popular hashtags on Instagram?”, search “What are the top 10 fitness hashtags on Instagram right now?”
  • Don’t ask “What are trending videos on YouTube?”, specify “What were the most popular cooking tutorial videos on YouTube last month?”

Using niche keywords and hashtags helps surface content and trends that are highly relevant to your interests and needs.

Where does the What’s Trending plugin excel?

Here are some key areas where the What’s Trending ChatGPT plugin excels:

  • Identifying rising trends early – The plugin is great at spotting trends that are just starting to gain momentum or are on the verge of going viral. This allows you to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Providing comprehensive trend data – You get access to useful metrics like search volumes, growth rates, and post volumes to quantify a trend’s popularity. The data helps validate trends.
  • Finding influencers and personalities – It excels at searching profiles and creators relevant to almost any topic or category you specify in a prompt.

Likes and Dislikes:


  • Provides real-time data: on current trends across multiple platforms like YouTube, Google, Instagram, etc.
  • Useful metrics: like growth rate and search volumes give insights into a trend’s popularity.
  • Can search for both broad trends as well as niche trends relevant to your needs.
  • Quickly identifies rising topics, influencers, personalities, and products in any category.


  • Limited to keyword and hashtag searches: doesn’t analyze image or video trends. (Yet).
  • Very specific: or localized trend searches may not always yield meaningful results.

ScholarAI Plugin FAQ

The plugin utilizes ChatGPT’s natural language processing capabilities to analyze trends and popular topics across a wide range of sources including Google Trends, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, online articles, forums, and more. It aggregates data from these sources to provide comprehensive trend insights.

The plugin provides real-time trend data that is updated continuously based on the latest online conversations and statistics. So you can be assured the trends you’re seeing reflect the most current interests and topics.

Yes, with well-formulated prompts you can absolutely use the plugin to find trends for specific niches, industries, demographics, or categories. Make sure to use relevant keywords and hashtags in your prompts to get tailored, focused results.

Yes, the plugin has the capability to search for localized trends in specific countries and languages when specified in the prompt. For example, you can find trending topics on Twitter in Spanish by asking:

“What were the top 5 trending hashtags on Twitter in Spain last week in Spanish?”

What’s Trending ChatGPT plugin Conclusion

The What’s Trending ChatGPT plugin is clearly an invaluable tool for anyone wanting to stay on top of the ever-evolving world of digital trends.

With its comprehensive functionality to uncover real-time trending topics across a diverse range of platforms, it provides immense value.

The plugin’s ability to identify rising trends, popular personalities, influencers, products, and more makes it extremely useful for marketers, content creators, businesses, and other professionals.

By using it strategically through well-formulated prompts, you can extract trends specifically tailored to your niche, industry, and interests.

As we explored in this guide, the plugin has a versatile set of features. You can seamlessly search for trending keywords, hashtags, profiles, and categories.

The metrics provided, like growth rates and search volumes, validate and quantify trend popularity. Historical data allows you to go back in time for broader research.

We looked at some of the many possible use cases, from monitoring competitors to investment research to education and pop culture.

Example prompts were provided to demonstrate how to extract the most relevant data for each use case.

Tips like leveraging specific categories and keywords help focus the results further.

While limitations exist in terms of date range and niche search effectiveness, the pros certainly outweigh the cons for most purposes.

The time and effort saved versus manual trend research is immense.

And that’s worth looking forward to.