Web Requests ChatGPT Plugin – How to Guide

By David McLeod | Updated on July 18, 2023

Web Requests ChatGPT Plugin

If you are like me and spend many hours on Google looking up websites to find information then this innovative plugin may well be for you.

The ChatGPT Plugin “Web Requests” is designed to facilitate effective and targeted web searches, providing you with accurate and relevant results.

By integrating this plugin into your browsing experience, you can tap into a wealth of information available on the web with ease and efficiency.

With the assistance of the ChatGPT Plugin “Web Requests,” you can unleash the full potential of ChatGPT when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), keyword research, and content creation.

The plugin allows you to explore keyword research techniques and develop a robust SEO strategy. It empowers you to analyze search engine results and create compelling content that resonates with your target audience.

Business-specific plugins

By integrating the ChatGPT Plugin “Web Requests” into your browsing experience, you gain the competitive advantage of “Speed”. 

You’ll have access to up-to-date information and the ability to optimize your research efforts. This plugin acts as your AI-powered assistant, helping you navigate the vast landscape of the internet and make informed decisions.

It empowers you with advanced search capabilities, content optimization tools, and valuable insights to elevate your information-gathering experience 

If you find this an attractive proposition then read on.

Accessing The Web Requests ChatGPT Plugin

To fully utilize the features of Web Requests, it is crucial to ensure that the plugin is properly loaded. There are a few steps you need to take to ensure that the plugin functions correctly with your Prompts and requests. First and foremost, it should be installed and activated, and I have covered this process in a separate post Click Here to read my in-depth Guide.

Once completed you should have an option that looks like this.

Prompt optimization
Source OpenAI

If you can see this you are all set.

Please Note the day I tested this Plugin the Logo wasn’t showing correctly it should look as it does on the left.

What features do you get with the Web Requests ChatGPT Plugin?

Real-time Web Search: 

The plugin can provide real-time web search results from popular search engines, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of internet searches.

Integration with Third-Party Services: 

The plugin can incorporate third-party web services into your search, adding accuracy and functionality to the information retrieval process.

Access to Real-time Information: 

The plugin allows ChatGPT to access real-time information from the internet, which can be used to provide up-to-date responses to user queries.

Interaction with External Content: 

The plugin can retrieve full text from platforms like Pastebin, Github Gists, Github, or REntry.co, and summarize it for the user.

Financial Data Retrieval: 

The plugin can provide news about a specific equity or cryptocurrency ticker beyond the knowledge cutoff date, which can be useful in determining if the stock is a buy or sell based on if the news is positive or negative.

Historical Pricing Data: 

The plugin can provide historical pricing data for a US equity or cryptocurrency denoted USDT, between a specified start and end date.

Marketing optimization

Website Content Retrieval: 

The plugin can provide real-time website content beyond the knowledge cutoff date, which can be useful for web browsing or media searches.

YouTube Video Data Retrieval: 

The plugin can retrieve data from a YouTube channel URL, channel ID, Video ID, or Video URL.

Please note that the specific features and capabilities of the Web Requests ChatGPT Plugin may vary depending on the version of the plugin.

9 use cases for Web Requests and Who Benefits?

Real-Time Information Retrieval: 

The plugin can be used to fetch real-time information from the web, such as news updates, weather forecasts, or stock market prices. This benefits users who need up-to-the-minute information for decision-making purposes.

Data Analysis: 

The plugin can be used to analyze data from the web and provide insights. This is beneficial for data analysts, researchers, and businesses that rely on data-driven decision-making.

Market Research: 

The plugin can be used to conduct market research by pulling data from various online sources. This benefits businesses and marketers who need to understand market trends and consumer behavior.

Content Curation: 

The plugin can be used to curate content from the web, based on specific criteria. This benefits content creators, social media managers, and digital marketers who need to find relevant content for their audiences.

Competitor Analysis: 

The plugin can be used to monitor competitors’ online activities and provide insights. This benefits businesses that need to keep track of their competitive landscape.

Customer Sentiment Analysis: 

The plugin can be used to analyze customer reviews and comments from the web to gauge customer sentiment. This benefits businesses that need to understand their customers’ perceptions and improve their products or services.


The plugin can be used to verify information from the web. This benefits journalists, researchers, and anyone who needs to ensure the accuracy of information.

Academic Research: 

The plugin can be used to find academic papers and other scholarly resources from the web. This benefits students, academics, and researchers who need to find relevant academic resources.

Work-related tasks

Job Search: 

The plugin can be used to find job postings from various online platforms. This benefits job seekers who need to find relevant job opportunities.

Web Requests list of example prompts.

Based on the use cases provided earlier, here are some prompts that could be used with the Web Request plugin:

Real-Time Information Retrieval:

  • What is the latest news on [Topic]?
  • Find the most recent articles about [Company Name].
  • What is the current weather in [Location]?

Data Analysis:

  • What are the initial steps I should follow to perform exploratory data analysis on a dataset titled [Dataset Title] that contains the following columns: [Column Names]?
  • What are the steps to clean and preprocess a dataset titled [Dataset Title] that has the following issues: [List of Issues such as missing values, inconsistent data types, etc.]?

Market Research:

  • What are the latest trends in the [Industry] market?
  • Who are the top competitors of [Company Name]?

Content Curation:

  • Find the most popular articles on [Topic] from the last month.
  • What are the trending topics on social media related to [Industry]?

Competitor Analysis:

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of [Competitor Company Name]?
  • What are the latest products or services launched by [Competitor Company Name]?

Customer Sentiment Analysis:

  • What is the public sentiment towards [Product/Service/Company] based on recent social media posts?
  • Analyze customer reviews for [Product/Service] and summarize the common positive and negative points.


  • Is it true that [Fact/Claim to be checked]?
  • What is the source of the claim that [Fact/Claim to be checked]?

Academic Research:

  • Find the latest research papers on [Topic].
  • What are the recent developments in the field of [Academic Field]?

Job Search:

  • Find job openings for the position of [Job Title] in [Location].
  • What are the skills and qualifications required for the role of [Job Title]?

Please note that these prompts are just examples and should be adapted to fit the specific needs of the user.

Tip For Using Web Requests ChatGPT Plugin,

When using the “Web Requests” plugin with ChatGPT, it’s crucial to be as specific and contextual as possible in your prompts.

This plugin allows ChatGPT to interact with external APIs to fetch up-to-date information, which can significantly extend its use cases.

However, the quality of the results you get will largely depend on the clarity and specificity of your instructions.

Where does the Web Requests plugin excel?

The Web Requests plugin for ChatGPT excels in situations where real-time or updated information from the internet is crucial. 

It is particularly effective in extracting data from APIs, third-party services, or other online resources. 

This capability makes it invaluable in various professional fields including digital marketing, SEO strategy implementation, e-commerce business operations, content creation, and data analysis. 

The plugin enables ChatGPT to provide more timely and accurate responses based on the most current available information.

Likes and Dislikes:


  • Efficiency: Web requests, particularly those using HTTP, are efficient and fast, eliminating the need for polling or refreshing to check for new data.
  • Improved User Experience: By providing up-to-date responses based on current data, it improves user experience and satisfaction.
  • Data Analytics: Websites allow you to gather valuable data about customer behavior, preferences, and interactions. This information can be analyzed to gain insights into improving product or service offerings.


  • Dependence on Server Response: Web requests depend on the hosting server’s ability to process and respond to the request. If the server is slow or encounters an error, the web request may not be fulfilled efficiently or at all.

Web Requests

Plugin FAQ

The ChatGPT Plugin Web Requests allows your AI model to make HTTP requests to third-party services. This enhances the functionality of your chatbot, enabling it to retrieve and utilize real-time data from external sources.

To use the Web Requests plugin effectively, you need to define the user-agent HTTP header and provide all necessary details for successful HTTP requests. Make sure the third-party service you’re trying to connect with allows such requests and that you comply with their rules and regulations.

Otherwise, you can just activate it in ChatGPT and let it find the information you seek on the Internet by asking it.

Yes, one of the main advantages of the Web Requests plugin is its ability to access real-time or up-to-date information from third-party services. This feature can greatly enhance your AI model’s capabilities, making it more practical and accurate in providing responses based on current data.

By allowing ChatGPT to make web requests, it can access up-to-date information from APIs, third-party services, or other online resources. This extends its use cases and makes it more versatile and effective in delivering accurate responses.

Web Requests ChatGPT plugin Conclusion

The Web Requests ChatGPT Plugin: How to Guide provides a comprehensive overview of the Web Requests plugin for ChatGPT, a tool designed to enhance the browsing experience by facilitating effective and targeted web searches.

The plugin is particularly useful for tasks such as search engine optimization (SEO), keyword research, and content creation. It allows users to explore keyword research techniques, develop robust SEO strategies, and create compelling content that resonates with their target audience.

The Web Requests plugin is not just a tool for browsing; it’s an AI-powered assistant that helps users navigate the vast landscape of the internet, providing them with advanced search capabilities, content optimization tools, and valuable insights.

Competitive advantage

It’s particularly effective in extracting data from APIs, third-party services, or other online resources, making it invaluable in various professional fields including digital marketing, e-commerce business operations, content creation, and data analysis.

This blog post also includes a list of example prompts that can be used with the Web Requests plugin, covering a range of use cases from real-time information retrieval to job searches. However, I do emphasize the importance of being as specific and contextual as possible in your prompts to get the most out of the plugin.

It is still early days with this type of assistant, this tech will get a whole lot better very quickly.

And that’s a future worth looking forward to.