VoxScript ChatGPT Plugin – How to Guide

By David McLeod | Updated on July 21, 2023

VoxScript ChatGPT Plugin

VoxScript is a cutting-edge plugin designed to augment ChatGPT with advanced functionalities, enabling users to access a world of information and perform complex tasks effortlessly.

With VoxScript, users can delve into real-time web searches, extract valuable insights from YouTube transcripts, retrieve text and financial data, scrape website content, and much more. It empowers users with a wealth of information at their fingertips, expanding the possibilities of what ChatGPT can achieve.

VoxScript ChatGPT Plugin

The benefits of VoxScript extend beyond its functionality. With its real-time web search capabilities, users can stay up-to-date with the latest information, making it an invaluable tool for academic research, content creation, and staying informed in an ever-evolving world. VoxScript’s time awareness feature ensures contextual understanding, allowing for more accurate and relevant responses. Additionally, user feedback mechanisms enable continuous improvement, ensuring that VoxScript evolves alongside user needs.

As the demand for AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants continues to grow, VoxScript stands out. Its seamless integration with ChatGPT, extensive functionality, and user-centric design make it a great tool for individuals and businesses alike. Whether you are seeking a powerful research assistant, an intelligent content creator, or an efficient data retrieval system, VoxScript will transform your ChatGPT experience.

Accessing the VoxScript ChatGPT Plugin

To fully utilize the features of VoxScript, it is crucial to ensure that the plugin is properly loaded. There are a few steps you need to take to ensure that the plugin functions correctly with your Prompts and requests. First and foremost, it should be installed and activated, and I have covered this process in a separate post Click Here to read my in-depth Guide.

Once completed you should have an option that looks like this.

Source OpenAI

If you can see this you are all set.

What features do you get with the VoxScript ChatGPT Plugin?

Real-Time Web Search Results: 

The plugin can provide real-time web search results from Google and Bing, enhancing the AI’s ability to provide up-to-date information.

Feedback Collection: 

The plugin has a feature for collecting user feedback, which can be useful for developers to improve the plugin’s functionality and user experience.

Text Content Extraction: 

The plugin can extract full-text content from Pastebin, Github Gists, Github, or REntry.co, which can be useful for summarizing large text files or documents.

News and Financial Information for Tickers:

The plugin can provide news about a specific ticker symbol, which can be useful for determining if a stock or cryptocurrency is a buy or sell based on the news. It can also provide financial information for US equities.

Real-Time Website Content: 

The plugin can provide real-time website content beyond the knowledge cutoff date, which can be useful for browsing or media searches. VoxScript can also deliver a summary of any webpage.


YouTube Video Data: 

The plugin can provide data for a YouTube video, channel, or video URL, which can be useful for retrieving video summaries, transcripts, or other video-related information.

Please note that the specific features and capabilities of the VoxScript ChatGPT Plugin may vary depending on the version of the plugin.

9 use cases for VoxScript and Who Benefits?

Real-Time Web Search: 

Deliver real-time web search results from search engines like Google and DuckDuckGo. This is beneficial for researchers, students, and professionals who need up-to-date information on a variety of topics.

Time Awareness: 

VoxScript can provide the current local and UTC time. This is beneficial for international businesses, remote workers, and travelers who need to coordinate across different time zones.

User Feedback: 

Collect user feedback, which is beneficial for developers and businesses who want to understand user experiences and improve their products or services.

Text Content Retrieval: 

VoxScript can retrieve and summarize text content from platforms like Pastebin, Github, and REntry.co. This is beneficial for developers, researchers, and anyone who needs to quickly understand the content of a text file.

Summarize Books

Financial Data Retrieval:

VoxScript can provide news about a specific ticker symbol and retrieve financial data for US equities. This is beneficial for investors, financial analysts, and anyone interested in the stock market.

Website Content Retrieval: 

Real-time website content: This is beneficial for researchers, students, and professionals who need to access up-to-date information from specific websites.

YouTube Data Retrieval: 

VoxScript can retrieve data from YouTube, including video transcripts. This is beneficial for content creators, marketers, and anyone who needs to analyze or understand the content of a YouTube video.

Historical Pricing Data: 

Historical pricing data for US equities or cryptocurrencies. This is beneficial for investors and financial analysts who need to analyze market trends.

Daily Data for Crypto/Equities: 

Gaily high, low, open, and close bars for a particular stock or cryptocurrency. This is beneficial for traders and investors who need to track daily market movements.

VoxSript list of example prompts.

Based on the use cases provided earlier, here are some prompts that could be used with the VoxScript plugin:

  • Real-Time Web Search: “VoxScript.GetGoogleSearchResults, search for the latest news on climate change.”
  • Time Awareness: “VoxScript.GetCurrentTime, what is the current time in London?”
  • User Feedback: “VoxScript.GetFeedback, I would like to provide feedback on the recent update.”
  • Text Content Retrieval: “VoxScript.GetChunkedPastebinContentFromURL, retrieve the content from this Pastebin URL.”
  • Financial Data Retrieval: “VoxScript.GetNewsForTicker, provide the latest news for the Apple Inc. stock.”
  • Website Content Retrieval: “VoxScript.GetWebsiteContent, retrieve the content from this specific website URL.”
  • YouTube Data Retrieval: “VoxScript.GetYoutubeVideoData, provide data for this YouTube video URL.”
  • Equity or Crypto Historical Prices: “VoxScript.GetUSEquityOrCryptoHistoricalPrices, provide the historical prices for Bitcoin from January 2023 to June 2023.”
  • Real-Time Website Content: “VoxScript.GetWebsiteContent, retrieve the content from this specific website URL, and provide a summary.”

Please note that these prompts are just examples and should be adapted to fit the specific needs of the user.

Tip for Using VoxScript ChatGPT plugin

Remember to test and refine your prompts.

The first time you use a prompt, it may not give you the exact results you’re looking for, especially with VoxScript which can respond in a very general way or with an incredibly detailed answer depending on the prompt.

Don’t be discouraged. Instead, refine your prompt and try again.

With a bit of practice, you’ll get better at crafting effective prompts that yield the results you want.

Where does the VoxScript plugin excel?

Academic Research: is one area where the VoxScript plugin really excels is in. The plugin’s ability to search through various data sources, including YouTube transcripts, financial data, and web search results, can be particularly useful for researchers who need to gather and analyze data from diverse sources.

For instance, researchers can use the plugin to retrieve full-text content from platforms like Pastebin, Github Gists, Github, or REntry.co. This can be useful when researchers need to review code or other text-based data that’s been shared on these platforms.

Furthermore, the plugin’s ability to provide real-time web search results can be beneficial for researchers who need to stay updated on the latest developments in their field.

In addition, the plugin can provide news about a specific equity or cryptocurrency ticker beyond the knowledge cutoff date, which can be useful for researchers studying financial markets.

Finally, the plugin’s ability to retrieve YouTube video data can be useful for researchers who need to analyze video content as part of their research.

In summary, the VoxScript plugin can excel in the area of academic research by providing researchers with a powerful tool for gathering and analyzing data from various sources.

Likes and Dislikes:


  • Real-Time Web Search: VoxScript allows AI models like ChatGPT to perform real-time web searches, providing up-to-the-minute information.
  • Time Awareness: The plugin has a feature that can provide the current local time of the user and UTC time, which can be useful in various contexts.
  • User Feedback: VoxScript has a feature that allows users to provide feedback, which can help developers improve the plugin.
  • Text Content Retrieval: The plugin can retrieve full-text content from various sources like Pastebin, Github Gists, Github, or REntry.co.
  • Financial Data Retrieval: VoxScript can provide news about a ticker symbol beyond the knowledge cutoff date, which can be useful for financial analysis


  • Learning Curve: As with any plugin, there may be a learning curve associated with understanding how to use all of its features effectively. This is not explicitly mentioned in the sources, but it’s a common challenge when adopting new tools.
  • Dependence on External Services: The plugin’s functionality is heavily dependent on external services (like Google, DuckDuckGo, YouTube, etc.). If these services experience downtime or make changes to their APIs, it could impact the functionality of the VoxScript plugin.

VoxScript Plugins FAQ

The VoxScript Plugin is designed to enhance the capabilities of AI models like ChatGPT. It allows these models to interact with web services and APIs, providing real-time, up-to-the-minute information. This includes the ability to summarize YouTube videos, perform web searches, and retrieve financial data, among other features

This plugin allows you to search YouTube transcripts and Google, ensuring you find the precise information you’re looking for. This makes your searches more efficient and targeted

The VoxScript Plugin allows you to instantly search through YouTube transcripts and perform web searches. It also provides real-time information from the internet, making it a powerful tool for AI models like ChatGPT

The VoxScript Plugin is designed to enhance the capabilities of AI models like ChatGPT. It allows these models to interact with web services and APIs, providing real-time, up-to-the-minute information. This includes the ability to summarize YouTube videos, perform web searches, and retrieve financial data, among other features.

VoxScript ChatGPT plugin Conclusion

IVoxScript represents a significant stride forward in harnessing the power of AI language models like ChatGPT. Its advanced features coupled with its seamless integration make it an invaluable tool for anyone seeking to leverage AI technology for better efficiency and productivity.

VoxScript’s capabilities extend far beyond basic chatbot functionalities. Its ability to perform real-time web searches, retrieve text and financial data, analyze YouTube transcripts, and scrape website content sets it apart from other plugins in the market. These features allow users to access a wealth of information instantaneously, significantly reducing time spent on research and data gathering. The power to have such vast amounts of data at one’s fingertips cannot be understated

VoxScript ChatGPT Plugin

The user-centric design of VoxScript is another aspect worth highlighting. By incorporating mechanisms for user feedback and demonstrating time awareness for contextual understanding, VoxScript showcases an understanding of the dynamic needs of its users. This focus on user experience ensures that VoxScript not only meets but exceeds expectations.

However, as with any technology in its early stages, there are boundless opportunities for growth and improvement. It will be exciting to see how VoxScript evolves over time to meet emerging needs and incorporate new advancements in AI technology.

In closing, whether you’re already familiar with ChatGPT or just starting your journey into AI language models, VoxScript is an essential companion that will significantly enhance your experience. With its advanced features, user-centric design, and seamless integration, VoxScript sets a new standard for ChatGPT plugins. It’s not just about making tasks easier; it’s about redefining what’s possible.

Embrace the future of AI-powered interactions with VoxScript – where efficiency meets innovation, and user needs are at the heart of technological advancement.