Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin – How to Guide

By David McLeod | Updated on July 21, 2023

Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin

This powerful tool, designed to enhance the capabilities of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, is revolutionizing the way we interact with video content.

Whether you’re a content creator, a researcher, or simply a curious individual, this plugin offers an array of features that can significantly streamline your video analysis process.

The Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin is designed to extract valuable information from videos, including transcripts, metadata, and other insightful data.

It’s like having a personal assistant that can watch a video and provide you with a detailed summary, saving you time and effort.

The plugin offers a range of features that make it an invaluable tool for those seeking to analyze video data. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into what the Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin is.

How it works, its top use cases, prompts to try with the plugin, case studies showcasing its effectiveness, my Likes and Dislikes of using it, FAQs about the tool – everything you need to know to get started with this powerful analysis tool.

So, let’s dive in and explore the world of possibilities that the Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin opens up!

Accessing the Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin

Make sure the correct ChatGPT plugin is enabled.

Gain Insights,

What is the Video Insights – ChatGPT Plugin best for?

Transcript Extraction:

The plugin can extract full transcripts from videos, providing a detailed written account of the spoken content. This feature is particularly useful for users who wish to review or analyze the dialogue or narration in a video.

Metadata Extraction:

In addition to transcripts, the plugin can also extract metadata from videos. This includes information such as the video’s title, description, view count, like count, and tags. This data can provide valuable insights into the video’s content and performance.

Video Summarization:

The Video Insights plugin is capable of summarizing video content, providing a concise overview of the video’s main points. This feature can save users time by allowing them to quickly understand the essence of a video without having to watch it in its entirety.

Competitive Insight:

By extracting and analyzing data from videos, the plugin can provide competitive insights. This can be particularly useful for content creators and marketers who wish to understand how similar videos are performing.

Integration with ChatGPT:

The plugin is designed to seamlessly integrate with ChatGPT, allowing users to leverage the capabilities of the plugin within their interactions with the AI model. This can enhance the functionality and versatility of ChatGPT, providing users with up-to-date and detailed information from videos.

What are the Top 9 Use Cases for the Video Insights?

Here are some of the top use cases for this plugin:

Content Analysis:

Content creators can use the plugin to analyze the performance of their videos on platforms like YouTube or Daily Motion. It provides insights into the number of views, likes, dislikes, and comments.

Competitor Analysis:

Marketers can use the plugin to gather insights about their competitors’ videos. This can help them understand what works well in their industry and adjust their content strategy accordingly.

Video Transcription:

The plugin can transcribe the content of videos, which can be useful for creating subtitles, closed captions, or written content based on the video.

Content Optimization:

By analyzing the performance metrics of videos, content creators can identify areas for improvement and optimize their content to increase engagement.

Video Recommendations:

Users can ask for recommendations on related videos based on their interests or search queries. This can help them discover new content that aligns with their preferences.

Video Insights

Market Research:

Analysts can use the plugin to gather data about popular videos in a specific niche or industry. This can provide valuable insights for market research.

Content Strategy Planning:

By providing insights and information about videos, the plugin can help users make informed decisions about their content strategy.

Engagement Tracking:

The plugin can track the engagement metrics of videos over time, providing valuable data for measuring the success of marketing campaigns or content strategies.

Educational Purposes:

Educators and students can use the plugin to transcribe educational videos for study purposes, making the content more accessible and easier to review.

Prompts to get you started

  • Content Analysis: “Get the performance metrics of this YouTube video: [insert video URL].”
  • Competitor Analysis: “Provide insights about this video from my competitor: [insert competitor’s video URL].”
  • Video Transcription: “Transcribe the content of this video: [insert video URL].”
  • Content Optimization: “Analyze the engagement metrics of this video and suggest areas for improvement: [insert video URL].”
  • Video Recommendations: “Recommend videos related to the topic of this video: [insert video URL].”
  • Market Research: “Provide data about the most popular videos in the [insert niche or industry] category.”
  • Content Strategy Planning: “Based on the performance of these videos, suggest a content strategy: [insert list of video URLs].”
  • Engagement Tracking: “Track and report the engagement metrics of this video over the past month: [insert video URL].”
  • Educational Purposes: “Transcribe this educational video for study purposes: [insert video URL].”

Tip – Expanding the output from the Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin

Video Content Analysis with AI,

When you run the plugin, ChatGPT will provide either a transcript or a summary of the video content. This output is designed to help you better understand the information presented in the video. Whether you prefer a brief summary or a more detailed transcript, ChatGPT has got you covered. With accurate and concise output, you’ll be able to quickly review the key points of the video and gain valuable knowledge.

Video Transcript Analysis,

Did you know that there’s a trove of valuable information that you can access by clicking on the small “v” on the Plugin Tab? This will reveal a Pulldown section that not only contains the information already provided by ChatGPT, but also a wealth of additional data about the video. It’s definitely worth giving it a try, especially since this feature is available for all ChatGPT plugins when in use.

Improving video marketing strategy with the Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin

The Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin can revolutionize your video strategy by providing insights and data that can significantly improve your marketing campaigns. The plugin allows you to analyze video data, track engagement metrics, and gain insights into viewer behavior – elements that are crucial to developing better performance in your videos.

By integrating this plugin into your video marketing strategy, you can understand what works best for your audience and optimize your content accordingly.

Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin

Using the Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin, marketers and content creators can learn how to improve video marketing strategy through a host of powerful features. By analyzing viewer engagement time, interaction with third-party tools like YouTube or Daily Motion, and metrics such as clicks or views, marketers get detailed reviews of their performance.

The GPT language model used by the plugin helps marketers to better understand how viewers interact with different types of videos in GPT-4 mode. This way, they can create more personalized content for their target audience.

With the Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin installed on platforms like YouTube or Daily Motion, you have access to valuable data that can help to optimize engagement levels among viewers. Integrating the Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin into your video marketing strategy is an excellent way to gain insights into viewer behaviour and create personalized content that resonates with them.

Through analysis of data obtained from the plugin’s features like tracking engagement metrics or analyzing viewer interactions with third-party tools like YouTube or Daily Motion, businesses can adapt their strategies for better results while tapping into relevant case studies. With the right information at hand, you’ll be able to create engaging videos that truly connect with your target audience!

Likes And Dislikes:


  • Efficient Video Analysis: The plugin provides a quick and efficient way to analyze video performance on platforms like YouTube and Daily Motion, saving users time and effort.
  • In-depth Insights: It offers in-depth insights into various metrics such as views, likes, dislikes, and comments, which can be valuable for content creators and marketers.
  • Transcription Services: The plugin can transcribe video content, which can be useful for creating subtitles, closed captions, or for accessibility purposes.
  • Content Strategy Support: By providing insights and information about videos, the plugin can help users make informed decisions about their content strategy.
  • Ease of Use: The plugin is easy to use and doesn’t require any coding skills. Users can interact with it using natural language.


  • Limited to Certain Platforms: Currently, the plugin supports online video platforms like YouTube and Daily Motion. If users want to analyze videos on other platforms, they may not be able to use this plugin.
  • Dependent on GPT-4 Model and Subscription: To use the Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin, users must select the GPT-4 model and have a GPT Plus subscription. This could be a limitation for users who don’t have a subscription or prefer to use other models.

Video Insights Conclusion

The Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin is a powerful tool that can revolutionize your analysis video strategy.

By allowing you to track engagement metrics and analyze video data with the help of the GPT language model, this plugin provides content creators and marketers with valuable insights that can help them improve their video marketing strategies. Whether you’re a YouTuber or use other online video platforms like Daily Motion, using the Video Insights ChatGPT Plugin can give you an edge over your competition.

By using this plugin, you can gain insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences, which can help you tailor your content to better suit their needs. The ability to prompt users with various topics, third-party reviews, and case studies through GPT-4 mode chatbot technology makes it simple and more accessible for everyone.