Surfer SEO Review 2023 – Best On-Page seo optimization tool today?

By David McLeod | Updated on July 7, 2023


Welcome to our Surfer SEO review for 2023!

Surfer SEO is a cloud-based optimization tool that permits you to analyze and compare your pages against the top-ranking SERP sites. By utilizing this amazing tool, you will never have to guess how Google prefers its rankings again; instead, it provides data-driven findings of what’s lacking on your page, website content plan, and more! Surfer SEO has been proven to provide accurate insights while saving time in comparison with manual research. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced SEO specialist, this tool offers everything you need to increase traffic and conversions. 

Surfer SEO makes keyword research easier by providing detailed data about the keywords used by competitors on Google. It also provides useful metrics regarding search volume and competition intensity so that you can craft an effective keyword strategy. Its content planner allows users to map out their plans while its site audit feature ensures your website is up to date with best practices and competitor keywords.

All of these features come together to provide an incredible platform for optimizing your blog posts and websites in order to achieve higher rankings, more visibility, and better performance.

Current Pricing:

  • Monthly Plans start at $59.00 / mo for Basic
  • $99.00 / mo for Pro
  • $199.00 / mo for Business
  • 7-Day Money-Back Guarantee, But No free trial

For more info on the Best SEO Tools For Small Businesses, features, pricing, etc., to read my latest review click here


Ease Of Use

What is Surfer SEO?

Surfer SEO is the ultimate tool for optimizing your website to drive more organic traffic and rank higher on search engines. With Surfer’s easy-to-use features, you’ll be able to streamline your on-page SEO.

This effective software allows you to examine your pages, compare them with other websites ranking on Google, and craft high-ranking SEO-optimized posts, in no time!

Not only that, but Surfer SEO additionally assists you while creating content by providing keyword research options via the Surfer SEO dashboard, which we will discuss later in this post.

Best For?

Who gets the most out of using it?
  • SEO Professionals,
  • Content Writers,
  • Bloggers,
  • Affiliate Marketers,
  • Businesses of All Sizes,

Why use it?

There are several reasons why Surfer seo is the best tool for on-page seo for your website:

  • Data-Driven Analysis: Surfer SEO provides you with the insight and knowledge needed to optimize your website for maximum search engine visibility. Through data-driven analysis, Surfer SEO delivers actionable insights that enable you to make informed decisions about how best to increase traffic on your website.

  • Cloud-Based: The beauty of Surfer SEO lies in its cloud-based nature, enabling you to access it from any internet-capable device and ensuring that your data is continually fresh. This makes utilizing the tool a breeze – all while providing peace of mind knowing that real-time information is always at your fingertips!

  • Competitive Analysis: Surfer SEO inspects your website’s pages against those that are ranking on the top of SERPs, providing you with an analysis to give you the best opportunity to increase your webpage rankings.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Surfer SEO is designed with an intuitive, user-friendly interface so even the most novice of users can learn the basics and apply it to their website very quickly.

How Does Surfer SEO work?

Surfer SEO is the ultimate AI-based tool for on-page data optimization. It compares your web page’s “500+ on-page” signals with those of competitors at the top of SERP, giving you a report that details what needs to be done in order to outrank them and create content that will help you rise above the competition.

Best On-Page seo optimization tool

Outstanding Feature (My Favourite Feature)

Surfer’s SEO SERP Analyzer Tool offers a comprehensive review of the top search engine results for any keyword, giving you an edge over your competition by understanding what is needed to rank higher. Utilize this remarkable tool and take control of your online presence now!

Note: Getting started with Surfer SEO Serp Analyzer is a bit like jumping into the deep end of the pool, can be a bit daunting to get started, but it’s well worth it.

Google is prioritizing list post content for this query, as it ranks five or more results on the first page of search engine results, not to mention that the featured snippet here is also a list post article. With the Surfer SEO tool and other similar tools, you can monitor what type of content Google favors in SERP rankings. After doing so, an SEO-friendly blueprint will be provided so that I can start to optimize content accordingly.

By scraping your top-ranking competitors for a given search term, the analysis tool examines what content Google favors. It then scrutinizes and performs data analysis on these top pages to identify their commonalities. Consequently, Surfer SEO is able to inform you of how precisely you can duplicate whatever is working best for that particular search query which will help your website rank higher in the on-page SEO!

In the below screenshot, you can see, I have searched for “Surfer SEO Review 2023 – Best SEO Optimization Tool?

As you can see we have the Total Word Count, Partial Keyword Density, and Partial keywords for the top 50 positions in Google search.

With Surfer SEO’s SERP Analyzer feature, you benefit from access to data that is based on hundreds of different metrics. To learn more about how this incredible tool can help increase your rank and boost conversions.


This tool provides the means to assess SERPs, recognize your competitors and their strategies, creating a better-tailored SEO plan that will entice more visitors – translating into an increase in clicks.

Additional Key Features.

Search engines like Google and Bing. Rank for multiple keywords within on blog post Creating content to target just one phrase or a particular keyword is not how SEO works anymore. Running a multi-keyword analysis and targeting related keywords can increase your chances for more organic traffic and help you rank higher in search results. Surfer SEO tools help you understand your current content by displaying the search volume of your specified keyword and providing alternative related keywords to choose from. Optimize for True Density, what are essential terms missing from your content? Let’s take a look at how Surfer SEO does this and the features that deliver this.

Keyword Research:

Keyword research is one of the most vital aspects of SEO, and an effective keyword research tool is an invaluable asset. With its efficient strategies for keyword research, Surfer SEO can help you quickly and easily uncover valuable search terms. By utilizing the right keyword research tool, you can identify profitable keywords and gain a competitive edge over your competitors. With this Keyword research tool, you can effectively research and optimize your website’s content to generate higher rankings on Google and other search engines.

Keyword Research is not only a great way to find the right keywords and get keyword ideas for your website, but it can also provide you with an abundance of secondary keywords that offer potential blog posts and article ideas.


Delivers the ability for you to identify the right keywords to use for your content, allowing you to optimize your content for higher search engine rankings.

Content Editor:

If you’re looking to increase your search engine rankings, the answer is simple: craft well-optimized and captivating content. The Surfer Content Editor provides an easy approach to making this happen – in no time at all! Utilizing this tool allows you to pinpoint ideal keywords for your content that will boost its visibility on various search engines. Their assistance not only helps refine existing work but also enables users to create material with maximum SEO potential from square one.

The Content Editor from Surfer SEO not only includes readability and keyword density metrics but also delivers information about your content’s SERP performance. This means you can monitor how well it is being viewed by Google and other search engines, allowing you to make changes that optimize the chances of achieving higher rankings.

Overall, the Surfer SEO Content Editor is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to create highly optimized and engaging content for their target audiences. With Surfer SEO Content Editor, you can easily create content that’s optimized for your target audiences and get higher search engine rankings.


This AI writer will dramatically reduce the time take to create text for your post or site.


The Surfer SEO audit tool is an incredibly powerful tool that can help you optimize your existing web pages for higher search engine rankings. By analyzing data from top-performing pages, Surfer SEO Audit can provide you with detailed insights into what makes a page successful. With this information, you can make the necessary changes to your existing pages to ensure they are optimized for higher search engine rankings.

The audit also provides personalized recommendations on what changes you need to make to improve your page’s SEO performance. With Surfer SEO Audit, you can easily identify areas of improvement and make the necessary changes to optimize your existing pages for higher search engine rankings.


Helps you rank higher and get more clicks on your site.

Domain Planner:

The Surfer SEO Domain Planner (Was Content Planner), is a revolutionary tool designed to provide you with powerful content clusters. Need help achieving page-one rankings for competitive keywords?

Your website is like the foundation of a house, built around a single and comprehensive theme. Supporting this core topic are pillar pages that provide an in-depth look at specific themes associated with it. Offering multiple topic clusters and keyword ideas related to each other ensures your content touches all key areas, resulting in satisfied readers You will be rewarded with higher rankings on Google by visitors who linger longer on your page.


Delivers the ability to gain detailed information on your domain’s performance in Google and other search engines.

Grow Flow: (New)

Although this is brand new it has made a huge impact on my use of Surfer SEO.

Surfer SEO recently unveiled Grow Flow, a brilliant tool and timesaver that gives you weekly tips to enhance your SEO performance.

It’s effortless to make use of Grow Flow! All you have to do is link your Google Search Console account and Surfer seo will supply a list of weekly ideas for your website,

such as:

  • Increasing the potential of your content by optimizing it for relevant keywords.
  • Uncovering Internal Linkage Possibilities
  • Grow Flow will explore various ways of generating captivating and effective material that will keep your readers engaged. From brainstorming tactics, researching approaches, and refining practices.
  • Uncover your competitors’ newly acquired backlinks or missing common backlinks so that you can make a play for them.

You will also be provided with a weekly progress report which outlines your achievements and provides optimization tips so that you can stay ahead. This valuable resource is useful for tracking your development as well as generating ideas on how to keep improving!


Delivers a weekly report that helps you get the most out of your SEO strategies with advice on tracking progress, staying ahead of competitors, and insights into improving your website’s performance in search engine rankings.

Integrations and extensions:


If you’re still new to this landscape of using AI to generate high-quality, plagiarism-free, SEO-friendly written content, we invite you to read this review and our Jasper.AI review first to understand what each tool delivers.

To Read Our in-depth Jasper.AI review (Click Here)

Take advantage of Surfer’s content score by utilizing it on the Jasper Editor just as you would in the Content editor. Instantly incorporate keywords, topics, and terms into your writing to unlock its potential shown through the Surfer seo score! It could not be any simpler.

Surfer API

A Beta version of the Surfer API is available which lets you create queries without accessing your dashboard!


Semrush is seamlessly integrated into the versatile and innovative Grow Flow product from Surfer SEO.

With Grow Flow, you can take advantage of artificial intelligence to get an automated weekly schedule of SEO tasks that will empower your domain and boost your rankings! Enjoy a streamlined workflow while experiencing maximum growth potential.

Every seven days, you’ll gain access to a detailed list of backlinks your rivals recently acquired. With this information at hand, you can adjust or modify your link-building tactics for the better.


Surfer’s Content Editor gives you the power to craft SEO-friendly articles, discover innovative keyword ideas, and quickly publish directly to WordPress. Unleash your writing potential with Connect!

WordPress plugin

Unlock the power of Surfer’s Content Editor with this easy-to-use WordPress plugin. Just install, write, publish, and start ranking! With this free plugin, you can quickly connect your WordPress page to the influential surfer SEO platform.

Generate content quickly and effortlessly with Surfer’s Content Editor, and then easily publish it directly to your WordPress site!

Google Docs

Likes and Dislikes:


  • This comprehensive suite offers a powerful content editor, audit tool, content planner, SERP analyzer, and keyword research capabilities – everything you need to take your digital presence to the next level.
  • The on-page SEO tools can provide a comprehensive analysis of your content based on over 500 ranking factors.
  • In a few short minutes, you can create an article outline that guarantees the content is organized in its optimal structure and show up high in the google search results.
  • Creates a content strategy and all of the related keywords to write content with detailed insight into internal links and external backlinks that you require.
  • Suggests strategies to craft compelling content that combined with keyword suggestions will help maximize search engine rankings.
  • The detailed page audits offer in-depth insights to help you pinpoint content deficiencies and provide actionable advice for resolving any issues.
  • Round-the-clock, expert live chat support.


  • The word count recommended, along with keyword frequency and suggested images to include can very high.
  • Beginners can have difficulty understanding the interface unless they know how SEO works.
  • A free trial is not available, but they do offer a 7-day money-back guarantee.
  • Cost may be prohibitive to smaller companies or individuals, so it is important to consider budget restrictions.
  • The AI writing assistant isn’t my first choice, better options are available such as Jasper. To read my full review of Jasper (Click Here)

Surfer sEO Pricing Options:

Annual Plans save 17%
  • Monthly Plans start at $59.00 / mo for Basic
  • $99.00 / mo for Pro
  • $199.00 / mo for Business
  • Enterprise / mo is negotiable

7-Day Money-Back Guarantee, Surfer SEO, stand behind their services and your satisfaction is paramount. If you are not completely satisfied with the results or simply have a change of heart within seven days of purchase, then please contact Surfer SEO for a full refund – no questions asked.

Surfer SEO Frequently
Asked Questions:

Surfer SEO is an all-in-one website optimization service that helps you analyze and improve the performance of your site.

Absolutely! It is an incredibly beneficial tool that provides you with concrete data to make your content better by looking at competitors who have high-ranking keyword results. Additionally, its SERP analyzer makes it easy for you to manually assess top pages and gain insight into what others are doing well.

The audit feature provides data-driven insights into how well your content is performing, so you can make the necessary adjustments to keep it performing at its best.

Surfer SEO also offers detailed reports and keyword research tools that provide valuable information about target audiences and which words should be used in titles or text to optimize your content for search engine visibility. Additionally, it provides access to real-time tracking, backlink analysis, content optimization, and competitor analysis tools.

The accuracy of the results provided by the audit feature depends on the quality of data collected from top-performing pages as well as user input for specific tasks such as updating meta descriptions or images within a page.

No, Surfer SEO offers 7-Day Money-Back Guarantee, so users can experience all its features without any risk.

Yes, all reports generated by Surfer SEO can be exported to .csvFor a more comprehensive evaluation or to conjoin with other software such as marketing automation systems or CRMs.

Surfer SEO Review Conclusion

Surfer SEO is an all-in-one website optimization service that provides a comprehensive analysis of your content, keyword research capabilities, and detailed page audits to help you identify content gaps. It also offers real-time tracking, backlink analysis, competitor analysis tools, and an AI writing assistant for crafting compelling content.

Although the cost may be prohibitive to smaller companies or individuals, Surfer SEO does provide 7 day money-back guarantee so users can experience its features without any risk. With accurate results from data collected from top-performing pages combined with user input, it’s possible to export reports generated by Surfer SEO in .csv format for more comprehensive evaluation or conjoining with other software such as marketing automation systems or CRMs.

All these features make it an incredibly beneficial tool to take your digital presence to the next level!

For more info on the Best SEO Tools For Small Businesses, features, pricing, etc., to read my latest review click here