Show Me Diagrams ChatGPT Plugin – How to Guide

By David McLeod | Updated on July 21, 2023

Show Me Diagrams How to guide

The “Show Me Diagrams” plugin is a powerful tool that allows users to generate a variety of diagrams based on their requests.

GPT-4 Plugin
Been There! Done That! Try This!

Here’s a table summarizing “Show Me Diagrams” capabilities:

Function/CapabilityExplanationExample Prompts
Render DiagramsThe plugin can take a diagram description and render it into an image.“Show me a sequence diagram of a login process.”
Edit DiagramsIf the plugin provides an edit link, users can modify the generated diagram online.“Show me a class diagram of a car. I want to edit it.”
Diagram CodeIf the edit link doesn’t automatically load the diagram code, users can request the code.“Show me the code of the class diagram of a car.”
Diagram DocumentationThe plugin provides information about the type of the diagram and the language used to create it.“What type of diagram is this and what language was used to create it?”
Improve DiagramsThe plugin can provide ideas for improving the diagram.“Show me ideas to improve this diagram.”
Explore DiagramsThe plugin can show other types of diagrams and languages.“Explore other types of diagrams.”
Carousel of Diagram ImagesThe plugin can show a carousel of diagram images.“Show me a carousel of sequence diagrams.”

Tip Steps To The Perfect Diagrams

Understand the Plugin’s Capabilities: To make the most of the plugin, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with its capabilities in creating different types of diagrams and understand the unique features that each type possesses.

Formulate Your Prompt: Start by creating a detailed prompt that specifies the type of diagram you require, along with all the necessary details it should include.

Input Your Prompt: Input your prompt into the chatGPT and review the generated diagram for accuracy and completeness.

Review the Output: If needed, adjust your prompt and repeat the process until you obtain the desired diagram that meets your expectations.

Refine Your Prompt: If necessary, adjust your prompt and repeat the process until you get the desired diagram. (suggestion Perfect Prompt may be able to help Click Here to read my guide)

By following these steps, you can unlock the full potential of the plugin to achieve your diagramming goals with ease and efficiency.

Check out these impressive prompts

  • Please provide me with a diagram explaining how the air conditioning system in a house works.
  • What type of diagram is this and what language was used to create it?
  • Can you give me a sequence diagram of a login process? (might add 2FA to this)
  • Show me a diagram showing the fuel flow through a jet engine.
  • Illustrate the process of rolling out a software upgrade including acceptance testing.
  • Show me a project management plan for software development.
  • Can you give me a diagram that outlines the steps I need to go through to create a business plan for a startup?
  • Draw a timeline for the major events of the American civil war.
  • Provide a mind map for a diagram of all the steps required for planning a street party.
  • Draw me a detailed diagram of how a chain saw works.”
  • To view ideas for improving the diagram, use the key phrase “show ideas“.
  • To view other types of diagrams and languages, use the key phrase “explore diagrams“.

Please note that the plugin currently supports the following diagram languages and types:

  • Graph: mermaid, d2, nomnoml, graphviz
  • Sequence: mermaid, plantuml, d2
  • Class: mermaid, plantuml, d2, nomnoml
  • State: mermaid, plantuml
  • Entity-relationship: mermaid, plantuml, d2, nomnoml, graphviz, erd
  • User-journey: mermaid
  • Gantt: mermaid, plantuml
  • Pie-chart: mermaid, vegalite
  • Requirement: mermaid
  • Gitgraph: mermaid
  • Mindmap: mermaid, plantuml, graphviz
  • Timeline: mermaid
  • Use-case: plantuml
  • Object: plantuml
  • Activity: plantuml, nomnoml, actdiag
  • Component: plantuml
  • Deployment: plantuml
  • Timing: plantuml
  • Network: plantuml, nwdiag
  • Json: plantuml
  • Yaml: plantuml
  • Salt-wireframe: plantuml
  • Grid: d2
  • Block: blockdiag
  • Rack: rackdiag
  • Dbml: dbml
  • Ascii: ditaa, svgbob
  • Digital-timing: wavedrom
  • Bar-chart: vegalite
  • Histogram: vegalite
  • Line-chart: vegalite

Each of these types can be requested by the user and the plugin will generate the corresponding diagram.

Show Me Diagrams – Sample Business Use Cases

Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)

Use case diagrams help optimize business processes by visually breaking down complex operational workflows. Teams analyze these segments to identify strengths and weaknesses and develop effective solutions, improving efficiency and productivity while saving costs.

By streamlining operations, and identifying bottlenecks and redundancies, businesses can secure long-term success.

Diagramming Tools

Example Output. This Diagram is a bit simplistic I know but as you add more requirements to the prompt it becomes a lot more complex.

Project Management:

Clear visualization of project timelines and dependencies is a critical aspect of project management, particularly in software development. Use case diagrams capture user requirements, enabling developers to produce efficient systems that align with user goals.

The diagrams minimize ambiguity and miscommunication by outlining system functionality and inter-component relationships for better development goals and task alignment with project timelines and dependencies.

Diagram Visualization

Example Output. Again the Diagram is a bit simplistic but as I mentioned above the more you input to the prompt the better the output will be.

Software Development:

Use case diagrams are commonly used in software development to capture user requirements and ensure efficient system creation.

They reduce ambiguity and miscommunication by outlining system functionality, leading to better project planning and management.

Business Modeling:

Use case diagrams provide stakeholders with a clear understanding of the business area or software system being developed, facilitating improved decision-making, alignment, and coordination within the organization.

Data Analysis:

Data analysis is essential to ensure that businesses make the best decisions possible. To achieve this, it is crucial to visualize data in a manner that is easy to interpret.

Proper visualization can help bring to the forefront trends, patterns, and insights that might have otherwise gone unnoticed. In turn, this facilitates better decision-making within the organization.

To this end, having a solid grasp of data visualization techniques is essential. Skillful use of these techniques can help minimize complexity, communicate data insights effectively, and ultimately ensure that decision-makers are equipped to make informed choices.


In the world of marketing, gaining a deep understanding of customer behavior is essential for success. Creating customer journey maps is a tried and tested approach to achieve this.

These maps provide a visual representation of the customer’s interaction with the brand, from the initial touchpoint all the way to the final conversion.

Through this visualization, marketers can identify customer pain points and areas of dissatisfaction, ensuring that marketing efforts are better targeted to overcome these hurdles. Ultimately, this leads to better customer engagement, loyalty, and ultimately, sales growth for the business.


Through the use of diagramming tools, teachers can create engaging and interactive visual aids that help students grasp complex concepts more effectively. By visually representing information in a way that is easy to understand, diagrams provide learners with a roadmap to help them navigate complex material and understand the broader context of the subject matter.

These tools also help teachers optimize their lesson plans, prioritize key concepts, and create a classroom environment that is conducive to learning.

Ultimately, using diagramming tools helps teachers connect with students and facilitates the development of a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the material.

In all these cases, the use of diagrams provides a visual and intuitive way to understand complex processes and systems, leading to better communication, improved decision-making, and ultimately, more effective and efficient operations.

Likes and Dislikes:


  • Visual Aid: The plugin can generate diagrams based on user input, providing a visual aid that can enhance understanding of complex concepts or processes.
  • Versatility: It can be used in various contexts, from educational settings to professional presentations, making it a versatile tool.
  • User-friendly: The plugin is designed to be easy to use, with users simply needing to provide the necessary information for the diagram.
  • Interactive Learning: For learners, this plugin can make studying more interactive and engaging, potentially improving the retention of information.


  • Limited Information: Unfortunately, there is limited information available about the “Show Me Diagrams” plugin, which might make it difficult for users to fully understand its capabilities and how to use it effectively.
  • Potential for Errors: As with any AI tool, there’s a potential for errors or inaccuracies in the diagrams generated.
  • Dependence on User Input: The quality and usefulness of the diagrams generated will largely depend on the quality of the user’s input.

Conclusion – Show Me Diagrams

The ChatGPT plugin “Show Me Diagrams” has demonstrated the immense potential of AI in enhancing our comprehension of complex concepts. This tool is an invaluable asset that transforms the way we visualize and understand information.

The step-by-step guide provided in this blog post is designed to help you navigate the plugin with ease. Beyond creating diagrams, “Show Me Diagrams” is a powerful assistant that enables us to think, learn, and communicate more effectively.

The ChatGPT plugin “Show Me Diagrams” has revolutionized the way we learn and communicate complex concepts. The potential of AI in optimizing our understanding of the world around us is truly immense, and the “Show Me Diagrams” plugin is just one example of how technology can help us achieve our goals.

With its easy-to-use interface and intuitive features, “Show Me Diagrams” has proven to be an invaluable tool for students, teachers, and professionals alike. By providing a visual representation of complex data, the plugin enhances our understanding of the subject matter, facilitating insight and mastery.

The step-by-step guide provided in this blog post is just the beginning of what this powerful plugin can do. We are confident that you will find “Show Me Diagrams” to be a useful tool in your work or studies, and we encourage you to keep exploring and experimenting with its features.

As you continue on this journey of learning and discovery, we’re excited to see what comes next. So, let’s get started, and one last point if you have a ChatGPT Plus account it’s FREE to use.