SEO ChatGPT Plugin – How To Guide

By David McLeod | Updated on July 31, 2023


The SEO ChatGPT Plugin is a tool that provides an on-page SEO analysis for a given URL and keyword. It can provide valuable insights into a webpage’s SEO performance, including the response code, load time, tags for title, metadata, h1-h5, image file names, image alt text, ahref text, ahref outbound links, and keyword occurrence in both body text and URL.

SEO ChatGPT Plugin

Here’s a table that outlines the available functions and capabilities of the SEO ChatGPT Plugin: plugin, along with examples:

Function/CapabilityExplanationExample Prompt
getDataThis function takes a keyword and a URL as input and returns an on-page SEO analysis.SEO.getData({keyword: "AI", url: ""})

Another prompt that is definitely worth trying is this:

Use SEO, Here is a link to an article “[Subject]/” Propose methods for enhancing the article’s SEO and develop a list of effective keywords related to the topic.

This is a sample of what I got back:

Title Tag:

The title tag is currently [Subject] Review – Full Stack Sumo”. It’s concise and descriptive, but it could be improved by adding a year or a unique selling proposition. For example, [Subject] Review 2023: Affordable & Reliable?”.

Meta Description:

The meta description is currently “A comprehensive review of [Subject] services. Find out if it’s the right choice for your website.”. This is a good summary of the article, but it could be improved by including a call to action or a unique selling proposition. For example, “Discover why [Subject] might be the perfect hosting solution for your website in our comprehensive 2023 review. Click to learn more!”.

H1-H5 Tags:

The article uses these tags effectively to structure the content. However, it could benefit from including more keywords in the subheadings. For example, instead of “Pricing”, use “[Subject] Pricing”.

Image File Names and Alt Text:

Ensure all images have descriptive file names and alt text that include relevant keywords. For example, an image showing the [Subject] dashboard could have the file name “URL-dashboard.jpg” and the alt text “Screenshot of [Subject] Dashboard”.

Keyword Occurrence:

The keyword “[Subject] Review” appears 10 times in the body text and 1 time in the URL. This is a good start, but the article could benefit from including related keywords more frequently.

  1. Outbound Links: The article contains 3 outbound links. Make sure all links are relevant and beneficial to the reader, and consider adding more if there are other reputable sources that could add value to the article.
  2. Load Time: The page load time is 1.5 seconds, which is excellent. Keep monitoring this to ensure it remains low, as a fast load time is crucial for good SEO.

Here are some effective keywords related to the topic:

  • [Subject] Review
  • [Subject] 2023
  • Affordable [Subject] Services
  • Reliable Web [Subject]
  • [Subject] Web [Subject]
  • [Subject] Pricing
  • List [Subject] Features
  • [Subject] vs [Competitor]
  • Is [Subject] Good?
  • [Subject] Pros and Cons

This looks pretty good to me and I will be using this ChatGPT plugin in the future just for a second opinion to start, let’s see how it develops, but looking good today.

SEO ChatGPT Plugin Real-World Use Cases

Content Optimization in Digital Marketing Agencies

Digital marketing agencies often manage multiple clients’ websites, creating content and optimizing webpages for search engines.

search engine optimization

The SEO ChatGPT Plugin helps these agencies analyze their clients’ websites and identify areas that require improvement.

The plugin can assess factors such as title tags, meta descriptions, keyword usage, and link structures.

By providing on-page SEO analysis and insights, agencies can make data-driven decisions to enhance their clients’ website performance.

This gives a benefit in that the SEO ChatGPT Plugin streamlines the optimization process, allowing agencies to manage their clients’ SEO more efficiently and effectively, which leads to improved search rankings and increased organic traffic.

E-commerce Website Optimization

E-commerce businesses rely heavily on their website’s visibility and search engine rankings to drive sales.

The SEO ChatGPT Plugin can examine product pages, category pages, and blog posts, providing insights into various optimization aspects like metadata, text readability, and keyword occurrences.

By implementing the suggested improvements, e-commerce websites can improve user experience and increase their visibility in search engine results.

The benefits include improved SEO performance using the plugin leads to higher search rankings, better user experience, and ultimately, increased sales and revenue for e-commerce businesses.

Online Publishers and News Websites

For online publishers and news websites, achieving high search engine rankings is crucial to attract readers and maintain a strong online presence. T

The SEO ChatGPT Plugin can assist these businesses by analyzing their articles and suggesting optimization improvements related to headings, keyword usage, and internal and external linking.

ChatGPT Plugin

By incorporating these recommendations, publishers can secure top rankings for their content in search engine results.

The benefits include employing the SEO ChatGPT Plugin, online publishers and news websites can optimize their content effectively, leading to increased visibility, higher reader engagement, and a more extensive online readership.

Keyword Research for Content Creators

Content creators, including bloggers and freelance writers, need to find relevant keywords to target in their articles.

The SEO GPT Plugin can help generate a list of effective keywords related to the topic they’re writing about, ensuring their content is optimized for search engines.

By targeting these keywords, their articles can rank higher in search results and attract more readers

The benefit is that SEO GPT Plugin makes keyword research simple and accessible for content creators, ensuring their work is well-optimized for search engines and leading to increased visibility and organic traffic.

Likes and Dislikes:


  • Comprehensive SEO Analysis: The plugin provides a detailed SEO analysis, including robots.txt, response code, load time, tags for title, metadata, h1-h5, image file names, image alt text, inbound and outbound links both internal and external, and keyword occurrence in both body text and URL.
  • Keyword Analysis: It offers a keyword analysis feature that helps users understand how their website is performing for specific keywords
  • Easy Integration: The plugin can be easily integrated with other tools and platforms, providing a seamless user experience.
  • User-friendly Interface: The plugin has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and understand the SEO data.
  • Real-time Data: The plugin provides real-time data, allowing users to make timely decisions based on the current performance of their website.
  • Competitor Analysis: The plugin allows users to analyze their top competitors, providing insights into their SEO strategies.


  • Lack of Tutorials: There may be a lack of comprehensive tutorials or guides to help users understand how to use the plugin effectively.
  • Potential for Errors: As with any tool, there’s a potential for errors or inaccuracies in the data provided by the plugin.

SEO chatGPT Plugin FAQ

The SEO ChatGPT plugin is a tool designed to help improve your website’s search engine rankings. It uses advanced features and a user-friendly design to optimize your website for search engines.

The plugin works by using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to generate content, perform SEO analysis, and extract SEO information. It can help find keywords, generate content briefs, and provide in-depth keyword insights.

The SEO ChatGPT plugin can be used by business owners, bloggers, and website administrators who want to improve their website’s search engine rankings and attract more customers or readers. Note users must have a ChatGPT Plus account and the Plugins activated in Settings to gain access.

The SEO ChatGPT plugin comes with advanced features as noted above, that help you optimize your website for search engines. It has a user-friendly design and can help boost your website’s search engine rankings. It also provides real results, allowing you to start seeing improvements in no time.

Yes, The plugin is currently free on the ChatGPT Plugin store.

SEO ChatGPT Plugin Final Thoughts.

This is a revolutionary tool that can transform the way we approach SEO. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, this plugin provides comprehensive on-page SEO analysis, offering valuable insights into a webpage’s performance.

It examines a myriad of factors, including response code, load time, title tags, metadata, h1-h5 tags, image file names, image alt text, ahref text, ahref outbound links, and keyword occurrence in both body text and URL.

The plugin’s capabilities extend beyond mere analysis. It is a powerful ally in content optimization for digital marketing agencies, e-commerce businesses, online publishers, news websites, and content creators.

By providing real-time data and actionable insights, it empowers these entities to make data-driven decisions, enhance their SEO strategies, and ultimately, improve their search rankings.

Despite its advanced features, the SEO ChatGPT Plugin maintains a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users of varying technical expertise.

It integrates seamlessly with other tools and platforms, further enhancing its usability.

However, it’s worth noting that like any tool, it’s not without its shortcomings. There may be a lack of comprehensive tutorials or guides, and there’s always a potential for errors or inaccuracies in the data provided.

Nevertheless, the SEO ChatGPT Plugin is a game-changer in the realm of SEO. It’s not just a tool; it’s a strategic partner that can help businesses and individuals navigate the complex landscape of SEO, improve their online visibility, and achieve their digital goals.

As we continue to embrace the digital age, tools like the SEO ChatGPT Plugin will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping our online success, and one last point if you have a ChatGPT Plus account it’s FREE to use.