Screpy Review – Best AI Seo Tool to increase your Traffic

By Chris Mudie | Updated on August 7, 2023

Screpy is a comprehensive tool designed to assist in optimizing website performance and boosting website traffic.

If optimizing your online presence is something that interests you read our deep dive review below.

From ensuring top-notch performance to improving search engine rankings, there are various aspects to consider. In this in-depth Screpy review, we will explore the features and capabilities of Screpy, highlighting its benefits and potential drawbacks.

Who would benefit from using Screpy?

Screpy is a web analysis tool that is used to evaluate and manage the SEO performance, speed, and other crucial aspects of a website. Here’s a list of individuals or groups who might benefit from using Screpy:

  • Web Developers and Designers: They can use Screpy to monitor and improve page load times, optimize images, and address other performance-related issues.
  • Website Owners and Bloggers: Screpy can provide them with detailed reports about their site’s performance and SEO, helping them to optimize their content and increase their visibility on search engines.
  • Digital Marketing Agencies: Agencies can use Screpy to monitor the performance of their client’s websites and make data-driven recommendations.
  • Content Marketers: Screpy’s keyword tracking and SEO analysis features can help content marketers to optimize their content strategy, increasing their reach and engagement.
  • Freelancers Offering SEO Services: Freelancers can use Screpy to provide comprehensive SEO reports to their clients, which can add value to their services.
  • Startups: For startups that rely on their online presence, Screpy can be a valuable tool to help them establish and grow their digital footprint.


Ease Of Use

What Is Screpy?

Screpy is an all-in-one web optimization tool that provides a range of features to enhance website performance and increase search engine visibility.

Screpy Review 2023 – Best AI SEO Tool?

It offers a user-friendly interface and a suite of tools to address common challenges faced by website owners, developers, and marketers.

With its proactive monitoring and optimization capabilities, Screpy aims to help users deliver exceptional user experiences and achieve better conversion rates…

All in one dashboard!

Screpy Key Features

Screpy offers a wide array of features designed to tackle different aspects of website keyword ranking.

Screpy Review – AI SEO Tool – Dashboard

Performance Monitoring:

Screpy’s real user monitoring feature allows you to track and analyze user interactions with your website.

It provides valuable insights into actual user experiences, helping you identify performance bottlenecks, slow-loading pages, and other issues that may impact user satisfaction.

By monitoring real user data, Screpy enables you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your website’s performance.

Synthetic Monitoring:

With synthetic monitoring, Screpy simulates user interactions by regularly checking your website’s performance from different locations around the world.

This helps you detect potential issues such as slow response times, downtime, or errors.

By continuously monitoring your website’s performance from a user’s perspective and checking multiple platforms, Screpy enables you to proactively address any issues that may arise.

Page Speed Monitoring:

Page speed is a critical factor in user experience and search engine rankings.

Screpy page speed monitoring feature assesses your website’s loading times and provides detailed reports on areas that need improvement.

By identifying bottlenecks and suggesting optimization strategies, Screpy helps you enhance your website’s performance and deliver faster loading times to your visitors.

Screpy Review – Screpy Pagespeed

SEO Optimization:

Screpy’s on-page SEO analysis feature examines various aspects of your web pages to ensure they are optimized for search engines.

It analyzes factors such as title tags, meta descriptions, headings, keyword usage, and overall content quality.

By providing recommendations and insights, Screpy helps you improve your on-page SEO, increasing the visibility of your website in search engine results.

SERP Analysis:

Screpy’s AI-based SEO analysis feature allows you to monitor your website’s performance in search engine result pages (SERPs).

It tracks keyword rankings, organic traffic, and click-through rates, among other tools, providing you with valuable data to evaluate your SEO audit.

By identifying trends and comparing your performance to competitors, Screpy helps you automate SEO monitoring and boost your search engine rankings.

Screpy AI SEO Tool

Competitor Analysis:

Screpy’s competitor analysis feature allows you to gain valuable insights into your competitors’ online strategies.

It helps you identify their top-ranking keywords, backlink profiles, and content strategies.

By understanding what is working for your competitors, you can adjust your own SEO tactics to stay competitive and potentially outrank them.

Screpy’s competitor analysis feature provides you with a comprehensive view of your industry landscape, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize your website accordingly.

Error Monitoring:

Screpy’s JavaScript error monitoring feature detects and reports any JavaScript errors that occur on your website. JavaScript errors can lead to broken functionality, poor user experience, and negatively impact your keyword rankings.

With Screpy, you can identify and fix JavaScript errors promptly, ensuring smooth website operation and optimal user experience.

Broken Link Monitoring:

Broken links can be frustrating for users and harm your website’s credibility. Screpy’s broken link monitoring feature automatically scans your website for broken links and provides you with a detailed report.

By identifying broken links, you can take immediate action to fix them, ensuring a seamless browsing experience for your visitors and maintaining a healthy link profile.

HTTP Status Monitoring:

Monitoring HTTP status codes is crucial to ensure proper website functioning. Screpy’s HTTP status monitoring feature checks the status codes of your website’s pages and notifies you of any errors, such as 404 (Not Found) or 500 (Internal Server Error).

By staying on top of HTTP status codes, you can quickly address any issues and ensure smooth navigation for your users.

Screpy Review – Uptime Monitoring

User Experience Analysis:

Screpy’s conversion rate optimization feature allows you to analyze and optimize your website’s conversion funnel. By tracking user behavior, engagement, and conversion metrics, Screpy provides valuable insights into areas that require improvement.

Whether it’s optimizing call-to-action buttons, simplifying forms, or streamlining the checkout process, Screpy helps you enhance the user experience and boost your website’s conversion rates.

Click Heatmaps:

Understanding how users interact with your website is essential for optimizing its design and layout. Screpy’s click heatmap feature visualizes user clicks and interactions, highlighting the areas that receive the most attention.

By analyzing click heatmaps, you can identify user preferences, optimize your website’s layout, and improve navigation, resulting in a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

Scroll Depth Tracking:

Scroll depth tracking provides insights into how far users scroll down your web pages. Screpy’s scroll depth tracking feature helps you understand user engagement and identify potential areas of improvement.

By analyzing scroll depth data, you can optimize your content placement, ensure key information is visible, and enhance the overall user experience.

Likes and Dislikes

Like any useful tool, Screpy has its strengths and weaknesses, AKA things I like and things not so much.

Let’s take a look at what might make or break this as your standout AI-based SEO tool.


  • Screpy boasts a suite of SEO specialist features, covering performance monitoring, SEO ranking, error monitoring, and user experience analysis.
  • A user-friendly, intuitive interface and incredibly easy navigation, make it a breeze to utilize the SEO software.
  • Screpy combines real-time, uptime monitoring and proactive alerts to allow for quick identification and resolution of SEO issues.
  • Detailed reports and actionable insights help you optimize your website effectively.
  • Competitor analysis and rank-tracking tools provide valuable information for staying ahead in your industry.
  • Time-Saving Using Jasper AI saves so much time.


  • Some advanced features may require technical knowledge and expertise to utilize to their full potential.
  • The learning curve for using Screpy’s AI-based SEO features may be steep for beginners.
  • While Screpy covers a wide range of optimization aspects, it may not offer the same depth and specialization as dedicated seo tools focused solely on one area.
  • Some users may find the pricing plans of Screpy to be slightly higher compared to similar tools in the market.

Screpy Pricing

Screpy offers flexible pricing plans to accommodate various user needs.

Prices shown are based on monthly payments discounts are available for annual payment upfront.

Free Version No, but there is a 7-Day Free Trial.

The plans typically include different levels of features, monitoring frequency, and the number of websites you can monitor.

It’s recommended to visit Screpy’s official website for the most up-to-date pricing information and to choose the plan that best suits your requirements and budget.

(Note – AppSumo currently offers a lifetime deal for Screpy – Saving you money over the current annual plan!)

Screpy Lifetime Deal


In conclusion, Screpy is a comprehensive web analysis tool that offers a range of features to help website owners, developers, and marketers enhance their online presence.

With its performance monitoring capabilities, Screpy allows you to track real user interactions, simulate user experiences, and monitor page speed to ensure optimal performance.

The technical SEO optimization features provide valuable insights into on-page factors, SERP performance, and competitor analysis, enabling you to refine your strategies and improve keyword rankings.

Additionally, Screpy’s error monitoring features help you identify and resolve JavaScript errors, broken links, and HTTP status issues, ensuring a seamless user experience.

The user experience analysis tools, including conversion rate optimization, click heatmaps and scroll depth tracking, further empower you to optimize your website’s design and layout for enhanced engagement.

While Screpy offers a comprehensive set of features, it’s important to note that some advanced functionalities may require technical seo expertise to fully leverage.

Additionally, the learning curve for beginners may be steep, and the pricing plans might be slightly higher compared to other SEO tools in the market.

(We strongly recommend checking AppSumo for a Screpy discount to save you money!)

The benefits of Screpy’s uptime monitoring, SEO audit, and Google rank checker tool, make it a valuable asset for those looking to optimize their website’s SEO performance and improve search engine results pages.

Screpy FAQ’s:

While Screpy offers a user-friendly interface, some of its advanced features may require technical knowledge and expertise. Beginners may need some time to familiarize themselves with the tool and its functionalities.

Yes, Screpy provides valuable insights into on-page SEO factors, SERP analysis, and competitor analysis.

Yes, Screpy SEO tool offers real-time monitoring, uptime monitoring and proactive alerts, allowing you to identify and address issues promptly to ensure optimal website performance.

Yes, Screpy provides a competitor analysis feature with seo monitoring.

This software allows you to tap into your competitors’ keyword ranking, backlink profiles, and content strategies.

This information helps you refine your own SEO needs and gives you an edge compared with other SEO software.

Yes, Screpy offers flexible pricing plans to cater to different user needs and budgets. We recommended to visit AppSumo official website for a potential Screpy discount!

Please note that the information provided in this Screpy review is based on our experience and general understanding of Screpy’s features and may be subject to change. It’s always recommended to refer to the official Screpy website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.


Screpy is a comprehensive web analysis tool that offers a range of features to help website owners, developers, and marketers enhance their online presence.

With its performance monitoring capabilities, Screpy allows you to track real user interactions, simulate user experiences, and monitor page speed to ensure optimal performance.

The technical SEO optimization features provide valuable insights into on-page factors, SERP performance, and competitor analysis, enabling you to refine your strategies and improve keyword rankings.

Additionally, Screpy’s error monitoring features help you identify and resolve JavaScript errors, broken links, and HTTP status issues, ensuring a seamless user experience. The user experience analysis tools, including conversion rate optimization, click heatmaps and scroll depth tracking, further empower you to optimize your website’s design and layout for enhanced engagement. While Screpy offers a comprehensive set of features, it’s important to note that some advanced functionalities may require technical seo expertise to fully leverage.

Additionally, the learning curve for beginners may be steep, and the pricing plans might be slightly higher compared to other SEO tools in the market. (We strongly recommend checking AppSumo for a Screpy discount to save you money!)The benefits of Screpy’s uptime monitoring, SEO audit, and Google rank checker tool, make it a valuable asset for those looking to optimize their website’s SEO performance and improve search engine results pages.

Now go forth & skyrocket your website traffic with Screpy!