ScholarAI ChatGPT Plugin – How to Guide

By David McLeod | Updated on July 31, 2023

ScholarAI ChatGPT Plugin

The ScholarAI ChatGPT Plugin bridges the gap between complex scientific data and those who seek it.

Whether you’re a researcher delving into intricate studies, a student navigating through academic databases or a professional seeking reliable information for decision-making processes, this tool offers a real leg up.

The plugin’s ability to tap into research papers, scientific journals, and academic databases ensures that users have access to high-quality, peer-reviewed information. It’s not just about providing data; it’s about providing credible data that users can trust.

This commitment to quality is one area that sets ScholarAI apart in the crowded field of AI applications.

But what truly makes this plugin shine is its user-friendly interface and functionality. From installation to usage, every step has been designed with simplicity in mind.

Users can easily navigate through prompts and commands, making their interaction with the plugin smooth and efficient. To find out how to read my in-depth review on ScholarAI.

Accessing The ScholarAI ChatGPT Plugin

To fully utilize the features of ScholarAI, it is crucial to ensure that the plugin is properly loaded. There are a few steps you need to take to ensure that the plugin functions correctly with your Prompts and requests. First and foremost, it should be installed and activated, and I have covered this process in a separate post Click Here to read my in-depth Guide.

Once completed you should have an option that looks like this.

Source OpenAI

If you can see this you are all set.

What features do you get with the ScholarAI ChatGPT Plugin?

Keyword Search:

The plugin allows users to search for relevant papers from peer-reviewed journals based on specific keywords related to their topic of interest,

Reading Abstracts:

After the search is complete, the plugin provides abstracts of the papers that match the provided keywords. This allows users to get a quick overview of the papers.

Accessing Full Texts:

If a user is interested in a particular paper after reading its abstract, the plugin can retrieve the entire text of the paper.

Metadata Search:

The plugin can find metadata from over 40 million scientific papers from peer-reviewed journals, research articles, and other scientific papers. It can search for papers based on specific keywords that appear in the paper title, full text, body text, or abstract.

Sorting and Querying:

Researchers can sort the search results based on the number of citations, publication year, or author. They can also provide a specific query to narrow down the search results.

Year Range Specification:

Users can specify a range of years to include in their search.

Please note that the specific features and capabilities of the ScholarAI ChatGPT Plugin may vary depending on the version of the plugin.

9 use cases for ScholarAI and Who Benefits?

Academic Research: 

ScholarAI can be used by researchers to find relevant papers based on specific keywords, read abstracts, access full texts, and save citations to their reference manager, making it an invaluable tool for academic research.

Literature Review: 

For researchers conducting a literature review, ScholarAI can help identify key papers and authors in a specific field, sort papers by the number of citations or publication year, and provide abstracts for quick overviews.

Case Study Research: 

In case study research, ScholarAI can be used to find relevant case studies or papers that provide context or background information for the case being studied.


In the field of education, ScholarAI can be used by students to find resources for their assignments or projects, and by educators to find the latest research in their field to incorporate into their teaching materials.


 In healthcare, ScholarAI can be used by medical professionals to stay updated with the latest research in their field, find papers on specific medical conditions or treatments, and access full texts of relevant papers.

Policy Making:

 In policy-making, ScholarAI can be used to find research papers that provide evidence for policy decisions or to understand the state of research in a particular area.

Professional Development: 

Professionals in various fields can use ScholarAI to stay updated with the latest research in their field, find papers on specific topics of interest, and save citations for future reference.

Content Creation: 

Content creators can use ScholarAI to find the latest research on the topics they are writing about, ensuring that their content is up-to-date and accurate.

Business Intelligence: 

Businesses can use ScholarAI to find research papers that provide insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and other topics relevant to their industry.

ScholarAI list of example prompts.

Based on the use cases provided earlier, here are some prompts that could be used with the ScholarAI plugin:

  • Academic Research: “ScholarAI, find me the latest peer-reviewed articles on the impact of climate change on marine biodiversity.”
  • Case Study Research: “ScholarAI, search for case studies on the implementation of renewable energy solutions in developing countries.”
  • Literature Review: “ScholarAI, provide me with the abstracts of the top 10 most cited papers on artificial intelligence in healthcare.”
  • Data Analysis: “ScholarAI, find me research papers that use regression analysis to study the effect of education on income levels.”
  • Thesis Writing: “ScholarAI, find me references on the role of corporate social responsibility in enhancing brand image.”
  • Coursework Assistance: “ScholarAI, search for articles that discuss the impact of technology on classroom learning.”
  • Professional Development: “ScholarAI, find me the latest research on best practices in project management.”
  • Policy Making: “ScholarAI, provide me with studies on the effectiveness of carbon pricing in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”
  • Business Strategy: “ScholarAI, find me peer-reviewed articles on the role of digital transformation in business growth.”
  • Please note that these prompts are just examples and should be adapted to fit the specific needs of the user.

Please note that these prompts are just examples and should be adapted to fit the specific needs of the user.

Tip For Using ScholarAI ChatGPT Plugin,

The first time you use a prompt, it may not give you the exact results you’re looking for, especially with ScholarAI which can be trying to retrieve information from many disparate sources to get what you are looking for.

Don’t be discouraged. Instead, refine your prompt and try again.

With a bit of practice, you’ll get better at crafting effective prompts that yield the results you want with this chatGPT plugin.

Where does the ScholarAI plugin excel?

One of the key areas where ScholarAI excels is in its ability to perform keyword-based searches for relevant papers. 

Users can provide specific keywords related to their topic of interest, and the plugin will search for relevant papers from peer-reviewed journals based on these keywords. 

This feature can significantly streamline the research process, making it easier for users to find the information they need.

Another area where ScholarAI shines is in its ability to provide abstracts of papers that match the user’s keywords. 

This allows users to get a quick overview of the papers, helping them decide which ones are worth reading in full

Likes and Dislikes:


  • Access to a vast array of scientific literature: ScholarAI allows users to access a wide range of scientific literature from peer-reviewed journals, making it a valuable tool for researchers and students alike.
  • Keyword-based search: Users can provide specific keywords related to their topic of interest, and the plugin will search for relevant papers based on these keywords.
  • Reading abstracts and full texts: Once the search is complete, ScholarAI provides users with abstracts of the papers that match their keywords. If an abstract piques a user’s interest, the plugin can retrieve the entire text of the paper.
  • Ease of use: The plugin is designed to be user-friendly and efficient, making the research process easier and more streamlined.


  • Limited to certain databases: ScholarAI accesses peer-reviewed papers from specific sources like PubMed, ArXiv, and Springer. While these are reputable sources, the plugin might not automatically cover all possible databases or journals a researcher might be interested in.
  • Potential for information overload: Given the vast amount of scientific literature available, users might find themselves overwhelmed by the number of papers ScholarAI can provide. Effective use of the plugin requires careful keyword selection and time to review the returned papers or it could swamp you with way to much information.

ScholarAI Plugin FAQ

ScholarAI is a powerful tool that allows users to access a vast array of scientific literature from peer-reviewed journals. It provides features like keyword-based search, reading abstracts and full texts, and saving citations to your reference manager.

You can use ScholarAI by providing a few keywords related to the topic you’re interested in. The plugin will search for relevant papers from peer-reviewed journals based on these keywords. Once the search is complete, the plugin will provide you with abstracts of the papers that match your keywords. If an abstract piques your interest and you want to read the full paper, the plugin can retrieve the entire text for you.

While ScholarAI is primarily designed to help users find and access academic literature, it can indirectly assist in writing academic papers by providing relevant references and full texts of papers. However, it does not directly offer features for drafting or editing academic papers.

ScholarAI ChatGPT plugin Conclusion

The ScholarAI ChatGPT Plugin is a revolutionary tool that bridges the gap between complex scientific data and those who seek it. Whether you’re a researcher, student, or professional, this plugin offers a real leg up by providing access to high-quality, peer-reviewed information. Its user-friendly interface and functionality make it stand out in the crowded field of AI applications.

The plugin’s key features include keyword-based searches for relevant papers, providing abstracts and full texts of papers, and metadata search. It also offers sorting and querying capabilities, and the ability to specify a range of years for the search. These features make it an invaluable tool for academic research, literature review, case study research, education, healthcare, policymaking, professional development, content creation, and business intelligence.

ScholarAI ChatGPT Plugin

However, it’s important to note that while ScholarAI excels in many areas, it does have limitations. It is restricted to certain databases and there is a potential for information overload due to the vast amount of scientific literature available. Effective use of the plugin requires careful keyword selection and time to review the returned papers.

As we move forward, it’s exciting to think about the possibilities that lie ahead. With tools like ScholarAI, we’re not just accessing information; we’re reshaping the way we interact with the world of knowledge.

And that’s a future worth looking forward to.