My Story

Battling forward in an ever-changing world

FullStackSumo is the culmination of everything I have learned in my 25+ year career in IT. It represents the bridge between business and technology, making it easy for businesses to get their products and services online, using the latest technologies, without having to learn coding or development.

I started as an IT support engineer, installing systems for our customers, and training their staff on best practices to optimize the return on the investment.

After 6-7 years, I progressed to the lofty heights of Technical Director. Another couple of years into that post, I decided that a move was in order so I transitioned over to Sales. It was a hard transition but it was worth it.

All Change

Too late, I realized how much I would have to learn. Sales had looked so easy from my safe and ordered world in engineering support.

I spent the next 2 years learning what I didn’t know. The transition from a logical technical role into a sales role was hard and I had quite a few “Oh No!” moments.

With questions at our Monday sales meeting from my boss like “David, show me your sales funnel for this month?” resulting in me replying, “My what?”. The response from my boss can’t be put in here.

As an eternal optimist, I persevered, learned, and climbed the corporate ladder once again, being appointed Sales Director and then Marketing Director. It was in these positions [at this time in my career] that I encountered the forerunners of many of the tools and resources we will look at in this blog.

Over the last couple of years, I have started an online business, which has involved fresh challenges and demanded further learning. The strategies and tools used in today’s Digital Marketing world are quite different from the more traditional forms of marketing, especially as AI is now becoming available in many toolsets. The rate of change is accelerating, whether it is Email Marketing or a Chatbot for a Website.

Yet the strategies and tools used in today’s Digital Marketing world are quite different from the more traditional forms of marketing, especially as AI is now becoming available in many toolsets and the rate of change is accelerating, whether it is Email Marketing or a Chatbot for a Website.

I decided to start this blog to answer some of the questions I wish I had known to ask, as someone new to this marketplace.

“If it doesn’t challenge you…

it won’t change you”

All Change (again)

Since most people start by building a side income, my goal is to give you the information you need to do exactly that and to help you grow it from a side (hustle) income into a full-time career or where ever you want that to lead.

The tools I will talk about here are not specific to any one type of business other than they are best used by companies using online products or services.

I will cover many types of tools from AI including writers like Jasper AI, and Website builders like Zyro. The site will be continually growing as more information and reviews are shared, so please come back often as the site will be growing and expanding continually.

If you got down to here…. thank you for reading this.

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