Link Reader ChatGPT Plugin – How to Guide

By David McLeod | Updated on July 21, 2023

Link Reader ChatGPT Plugin

The Link Reader ChatGPT Plugin is a new tool designed to help you distil information and highlight key insights in your online content.

It provides clear summaries of articles, blogs, and other written material, saving you time while still ensuring that you have access to all the key information you need. This AI chatbot uses natural language processing to understand the content of your text and provide useful summaries that let you quickly and easily get a sense of what an article or blog post is about without having to spend hours reading through it word by word.

This is especially useful for those who have limited time or are looking to improve their workflow and productivity. The ChatGPT plugin works across different platforms including Chrome extensions, Word docs, and other online content.

It provides interactive conversations that can help readers engage with content in a more meaningful way. With this plugin installed on your browser, readers can quickly get an overview of articles while reducing the overall reading time.

But how does this plugin work in practice? What features do users get with it?

And where does it excel compared to other summarization tools available? In the following sections, we’ll explore these questions in detail along with some use cases for Link Reader

If this is something that would be helpful to you please read on and enjoy!

Accessing the Link Reader ChatGPT Plugin

Before you can utilize the features of Link Reader, it is essential to make sure that the plugin is loaded correctly. A few steps will have to be taken to ensure that the plugin functions properly with your Prompts and requests. Firstly it needs to be installed and activated, this process I will cover in another post.

Once completed you should have an option that looks like this.

ChatGPT plugin
source OpenAI

If you can see this you are all set.

What features do you get with the Link Reader ChatGPT Plugin?

The Link Reader plugin is a sophisticated tool designed to process, comprehend, and interact with a wide variety of content accessible via links or URLs. It is designed to assist users in understanding and interacting with the content of these links, offering a range of capabilities. Here are the key capabilities of the Link Reader plugin:

Content Handling:

Link Reader can handle a variety of document types, including web pages, PDF documents, PowerPoint presentations, Microsoft Word files, and more.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR):

It can interpret images using OCR, which is particularly useful when dealing with scanned documents, photos of documents, or text superimposed on an image.

Video Transcript Deciphering:

When provided with a YouTube URL, it deciphers the video’s transcript to assist comprehension.

Information retrieval

Web Search:

Link Reader can perform web searches, retrieving the most current information from Google and other search engines.

Content Retrieval:

The getContent function retrieves the content of any URL. The only parameter is URL, which is the URL to get the content.

Google Search:

The API Search function performs a Google search and fetches JSON data. Parameters include q (the query you want to search), gl (the country to use for the Google search), hl (the language to use for the Google search), TBM (the type of search you want to do), start (the resulting offset), and num (the maximum number of results to return).

In addition to these capabilities, I can report that the Link Reader plugin works more efficiently and effectively than some other modes of content access, such as browsing mode. However, it’s important to note that the plugin’s ability to access certain types of content, such as PDFs from certain sources, is limited.

9 use cases for Read Links and Who Benefits?

Researchers and Academics:

The Link Reader plugin can be used to extract content from academic articles or research papers. This allows researchers to quickly access and analyze the information they need, leading to more efficient research processes and more accurate results.

For Content Creators and Writers:

Content creators can use the Link Reader plugin to gather information from various online sources for their articles or blog posts. This can enhance the quality of their content by providing a diverse range of perspectives and information.


Students can use the Link Reader plugin to summarize lengthy academic articles or textbooks. This can help them understand complex topics more easily and save time on their studies.

SEO Specialists:

SEO specialists can use the Link Reader plugin to perform web searches and fetch JSON data. This can help them understand the current trends and optimize their website’s visibility on search engines.

Data Analysts:

Data analysts can use the Link Reader plugin to extract data from various online sources. This can help them gather a large amount of data quickly and efficiently, leading to more accurate analyses and predictions.

Extract information,

For Web Developers:

Web developers can use the Link Reader plugin to fetch content from different URLs. This can help them test the functionality of their websites and ensure that they are working properly.

For Translators:

Translators can use the Link Reader plugin to translate content from different languages. This can help them provide accurate translations and expand their services to a larger audience.

For Marketers:

Marketers can use the Link Reader plugin to gather information about their competitors from various online sources. This can help them understand the market trends and develop effective marketing strategies.

For Journalists:

Journalists can use the Link Reader plugin to gather information from various online sources for their news articles. This can help them provide accurate and up-to-date news to their audience.

Link Reader list of example prompts.

Based on the use cases provided earlier, here are some prompts that could be used with the Link Reader plugin:

  • For Researchers: “Link Reader, can you summarize the content of this research paper for me? [Insert URL]”
  • For Students: “Link Reader, can you extract the key points from this online lecture? [Insert URL]”
  • For Content Creators: “Link Reader, can you provide a brief overview of this blog post? [Insert URL]”
  • For Business Analysts: “Link Reader, can you provide the main findings from this market research report? [Insert URL]”
  • For Software Developers: “Link Reader, can you summarize the documentation from this API? [Insert URL]”
  • For Journalists: “Link Reader, Could you summarize the key details from the news article found at [Insert URL]”
  • For Legal Professionals: “Link Reader, can you extract the main points from this legal document? [Insert URL]”
  • For Medical Professionals: “Link Reader, can you summarize this medical research paper? [Insert URL]”
  • For Job Seekers: “Link Reader, can you provide a summary of this job description? [Insert URL]”

These prompts can be adjusted based on the specific needs of the user and the content they are trying to analyze.

Tip for Using Link Reader ChatGPT plugin

Getting Started: I tried out one prompt which I found very interesting, “Does have any backlinks?” answer Yes it has 8, here are the URLs.

I found that if you put the URL early in the prompt it worked well.

I then tried, “Does have any other links?” Yes, indeed. There were several links available, including a few sourced from Twitter.

I didn’t need to format my prompts as shown above, by starting the prompt with “Link Reader”, this is because I only had one Plugin active. When I tried the same prompts with 3 plugins activated it got confused and didn’t work so well.

Where does the Link Reader plugin excel?

The Link Reader plugin for ChatGPT can streamline the information-gathering process by reading content from all kinds of links, such as webpages, PDFs, PPTs, images, Word documents, and other document formats.

This capability can enhance productivity, facilitate decision-making, providing a competitive advantage in the market.

The Problem

Businesses today are faced with the challenge of managing and interpreting vast amounts of information from various sources. This process can be time-consuming and inefficient, leading to missed opportunities and reduced productivity.

The Solution

The Link Reader plugin for ChatGPT can help businesses overcome these challenges. It can read the content of all kinds of links, streamlining the process of information management.

This can save employees valuable time that they would otherwise spend manually reading and interpreting information.

The Benefit:

Enhanced Productivity.


Likes and Dislikes:


  • Time-Saving: The most significant advantage of using the Link Reader ChatGPT Plugin is that it saves a considerable amount of time by streamlining the content extraction and summarization process. It eliminates the need for users to spend hours reading web pages, analyzing information, and then extracting relevant data manually.
  • Improved Efficiency and Productivity: With Link Reader ChatGPT Plugin’s ability to extract information from lengthy articles or documents quickly, users can work more efficiently and productively. They can generate summaries with natural language generation within seconds, allowing them to focus on other tasks.
  • Support for Multilingual Operations: The Link Reader plugin supports a wide range of languages, which can be particularly beneficial for businesses operating in a global context.
  • AI Chatbot Assistance: Link Reader ChatGPT Plugin utilizes machine learning and NLP technology to provide users with an AI chatbot that can answer questions about the extracted content.
  • Knowledge Base creation: Another significant benefit is the creation of a knowledge base that holds all extracted texts with summaries in one place accessible through Word docs or any other saved file format.


  • Chrome Extension Limitations: Although Link Reader ChatGPT Plugin is available as a Chrome extension (and other browsers), it might hinder some users who prefer reading pages on their desktop application rather than directly in their browser window.
  • Limited Customization Options: Users have limited control over how much information they want their summaries to include because the plugin only operates on already-analyzed text without further customizations available.

Link Reader ChatGPT plugin Conclusion

The Link Reader ChatGPT Plugin is an excellent tool for those who want to streamline their workflow and improve productivity when it comes to reading online content.

The Chrome extension is user-friendly, with a clean interface that allows for easy access and comprehension of summarized information.

With its natural language generation, Link Reader delivers clear summaries of key information extracted from online content, PDF files, or any other relevant source material.

This feature makes it an essential tool for researchers at all levels who need to distil information quickly and efficiently. The ChatGPT plugin provides an added layer of convenience by allowing users to converse with the summarization model directly.

The conversational interface saves time, enhances comprehension, and ultimately improves task completion rates. Despite the many benefits of using Link Reader, there are a few cons to be aware of as well.

For instance, the plugin may not be as effective when summarizing complex material or technical jargon that requires more specialized knowledge.

Overall, if you’re looking for a tool that can help you improve your research strategy and save time while reading online content and PDF files, then Link Reader ChatGPT Plugin is definitely worth trying out!