Enabling ChatGPT Plugins – How to Guide

By David McLeod | Updated on July 21, 2023


In the ever-evolving field of AI, new ChatGPT plugins have emerged as game-changer. These powerful tools leverage the capabilities of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, an advanced language model based on deep learning algorithms.

With the introduction of plugins, Nontechnical users now have access to a wide of language models with a safety range of additional functionalities that extend beyond ChatGPT’s core functionalities. ChatGPT itself is an AI chatbot that can engage in conversations and provide responses to user queries.

It has already proven to be a valuable asset for content creators, marketers, and businesses seeking interactive solutions for their data requirements. However, with the advent of plugins, ChatGPT has been elevated to new heights by enabling data retrieval, enhanced content creation capabilities, and improved interaction with users.

Enabling ChatGPT Plugins

By installing and utilizing these official plugins, users can tap into specific features and tools designed specifically for language and to meet various needs. Whether it’s generating code snippets for programmers or providing SEO recommendations for website optimization, each plugin caters to different use cases and search intents.

The process of installing these two other plugins in ChatGPT is relatively straightforward. Users can access them through the various plugins on ChatGPT Website.

Once you installed all the plugins above, they seamlessly integrate into the new ChatGPT interface, creating a more holistic environment for interactions. Content creators will find these plugins particularly useful as they strive to streamline their workflows and improve productivity.

What are ChatGPT plugins?

ChatGPT plugins are a powerful extension of the AI Chatbot, allowing users to enhance and customize their ChatGPT experience. These plugins serve as add-ons, expanding the functionality and capabilities of ChatGPT beyond its core features.

The Plugin Store acts as a marketplace where developers and content creators can showcase their unique plugins for others to utilize. This platform allows users to access an array of pre-built plugins or even develop their own using the provided API.

Source ChatGPT

Quick Note

The Plugin Store is sitting at 74 pages and that is 8 plugins per page that’s 592 Plugins as of today.

What can they do?

The flexibility offered by ChatGPT plugins enables users to tailor their AI chatbot experience based on their requirements. One remarkable aspect of ChatGPT Plugins is their versatility across multiple domains.

Whether it’s content creation or scientific research, these plugins can be invaluable tools for researchers looking to explore deep learning algorithms or facilitate collaboration among teams. For example, a researcher could make use of a plugin that assists in diagram creation by transforming textual descriptions into visual representations seamlessly.

Moreover, marketers can benefit from utilizing ChatGPT Plugins for tasks such as video review and transcription. This allows them to automate time-consuming processes while maintaining accuracy in transcribing important video content or analyzing marketing strategies and training data.

Harnessing ChatGPT

By harnessing the power of ChatGPT Plugins in various applications like planning, prompts generation tailored to specific search intents, or even improving customer support systems through enhanced conversational abilities – businesses and individuals alike can maximize the potential of AI technology within their respective fields. ChatGPT Plugins contribute significantly towards expanding the functionality and application scope of ChatGPT.

Their availability in the free version of the Plugin Store empowers users ranging from content creators to researchers with specialized tools and capabilities that augment productivity across diverse domains. The potential for customization through these plugins ensures that AI technology remains adaptable according to user needs while propelling advancements in artificial intelligence.

How to enable ChatGPT plugins

To fully enjoy the capabilities of ChatGPT, including the much talked about Web Browsing and Plugins functionality, simply navigate to the intuitive and user-friendly Settings menu available within the ChatGPT platform. Now, here’s an important update: starting from the remarkable month of May in the year 2023, these cutting-edge features are solely for ChatGPT Plus subscribers. If you haven’t already subscribed to ChatGPT Plus, don’t worry it’s $20 per month. you not only gain access to the Web Browsing and Plugins capabilities but also unlock the immense potential of the advanced GPT 4 language mode and to the Bing Web search tools. It’s important to note that the free version of ChatGPT utilizes the gpt-3.5-turbo model.

If you have an active ChatGPT Plus subscription your screen will have this logo front and center

ChatGPT Web Browsing
Source ChatGPT

To enable Web Browsing and Plugins, access the Settings window in your ChatGPT account. Locate it by visiting the ChatGPT website and clicking on the three dots (“…”) positioned to the right of your name at the bottom-left corner of the screen. From there, choose the option labeled “Settings.”

enabled plugins
Source ChatGPT

When you hit the Settings option, you will be presented with the image below, select Beta Features.

web browsing feature
Source ChatGPT

You will now be presented with 2 options you definitely want to push the Plugins slider to the right, it may be worthwhile to do the same with the Browse with Bing Slider as well while you have this screen open, this will activate the new web-based functionality in ChatGPT.

ChatGPT Plugin
Source ChatGPT

That’s it, Plugins are enabled, now we need to select which ones to use and how to get them active in your ChatGPT.

Selecting and Using ChatGPT Plugins

Once you have successfully enabled ChatGPT plugins, you are ready to select which Plugins you want to have active, there is currently a limit of any 3 simultaneously.

ChatGPT Plugin
Source ChatGPT

Select Plugins Beta, if this is the first time you have selected Plugins you will see this.

third Party Plugins
Source ChatGPT

Click on the V to see what plugins you have installed.

ChatGPT Web Browsing

In the image above I have 3 plugins available but only the Zapier Plugin is active, as stated earlier you can only have 3 active simultaneously indicated by the check box highlighted in blue.

In order to see the full range of plugins available click on the Plugin Store and It will take you to the full selection of the plugins available.

Source ChatGPT Plugin Store
Source ChatGPT

Here you can select from the tabs across the top of the screen Popular or New etc and the requested plugin range will be displayed. To activate any given plugin click the install button and a few seconds later the green button will turn light grey and say uninstall. to remove any plugin from your list click uninstall and wait till it returns to green.

Find out more

I have created posts on my favorite Plugins to date which are in the Full Stack Sumo Plugin Library, these posts give you a rundown on the capabilities of my top plugins along with prompts to get them working. just remember that to get a prompt to function it must be one of your 3 selected prompts installed plugins.

Case Study

Click here for a direct link to a case study by BriskLogic titled CHATGPT IN PRACTICE: CASE STUDIES AND SUCCESS STORIES

Likes And Dislikes:


  • Enhanced Capabilities: Plugins extend the capabilities of ChatGPT, enabling it to perform tasks beyond its original design.
  • Access to Real-Time Information: With plugins, ChatGPT can access real-time information from the internet, which is particularly useful for providing up-to-date responses.
  • Variety of Applications: Plugins allow ChatGPT to be used in a wide range of applications, from language translation and content generation to customer service applications.
  • Continuous Improvement: The plugin store has grown exponentially with hundreds of add-ons available, and many developers continue to devise new ways to expand upon the popular AI product
  • Increased Efficiency: For professionals, such as lawyers, plugins can streamline communication, research, and information processing, saving time and money.


  • Potential for Misinformation: Since ChatGPT operates based on content from the internet, there’s a risk of generating responses based on misinformation found online. (Fact Check Everything)
  • Privacy Concerns: Since ChatGPT is able to retain and use information from previous conversations, there could be potential privacy concerns

Coptsmith.AI FAQ

Yes, Copysmith is an AI-powered copywriting tool that utilizes advanced technology to generate high-quality content.

Copysmith offers a range of features, including an intuitive writing assistant, content creation tools, and advanced AI capabilities.

Copysmith can streamline your writing process, improve content quality, and create engaging copy that resonates with your target audience.

Pricing is a crucial factor to consider, and in this section, we will analyze Copysmith’s pricing structure to determine if it offers good value for money.

AI technology is expected to have a significant impact on copywriting, and we will discuss the future trends and Copysmith’s role in this evolving landscape.

Enable ChatGPT Conclusion

ChatGPT plugins represent more than a decade of significant advancement in the realm of AI chatbots and have the potential to revolutionize various industries, from content creation to digital marketing. These plugins are tools designed to provide users with an enhanced experience by extending the capabilities of ChatGPT through seamless integration with external tools and services.

By enabling the plugins option, users can use chatgpt plugins unlock a world of possibilities in data retrieval, the web browsing, page analysis, search intents, and more. The availability of ChatGPT plugins not only expands the functionality of this AI-powered assistant but also offers an opportunity for businesses to cater to their target audience more effectively.

With plugins designed specifically for language models for specific purposes such as WordPress integration or content generation, companies can streamline their workflows and enhance productivity. This is particularly valuable for professionals involved in writing and marketing who rely on efficient content creation processes.

Enabling ChatGPT Plugins

OpenAI’s Plugin Store serves as a hub for developers to showcase their innovative offerings that complement ChatGPT’s capabilities. As more new features and plugins are developed and added to the store over time, users will have ChatGPT access to an ever-expanding library of tools tailored to their specific needs.

With the introduction of how many ChatGPT plugins now, OpenAI has opened up up to date information and new avenues for harnessing AI technology in diverse fields. As these plugins continue to evolve alongside future iterations like ChatGPT-4, we can anticipate even more sophisticated tools that will enable users to enhance our interactions with AI chatbots further.