ChatWithPDF ChatGPT Plugin – How to Guide

By David McLeod | Updated on July 21, 2023

ChatWithPDF ChatGPT Plugin

PDF files have conquered the hearts and minds of millions. These versatile files are indispensable for submitting electronic documents and financial reports, as well as for academic research, literary analysis, and technical guides. With their convenience and flexibility, PDFs have become a cornerstone of modern communication and knowledge sharing, revolutionizing the way we work, learn, and exchange ideas.

However, locating specific information within a PDF document can be a tedious task since they often contain a large amount of data. Fortunately, the ChatWithPDF ChatGPT plugin is here to help users quickly locate the information they need.

The ChatWithPDF plugin is an innovative tool that utilizes the ChatGPT language model to help users search, locate, identify, pinpoint, and discover content within PDF files quickly. 

The plugin is available in the plugin store and can be easily installed with just a few clicks.

Once the plugin is loaded into your system, you can start using it to improve your research strategy. In this article, we will provide an overview of the ChatWithPDF ChatGPT plugin by outlining its features as well as providing use cases for academic research and business analytics.

We will also give a list of prompts that could be used for these use cases to help you get started using this powerful tool. Additionally, we will evaluate the pros and cons of using this plugin so that readers can make informed decisions about whether or not it’s right for them.

Overall, this article aims to serve as a guidebook or user manual on how to use the ChatWithPDF ChatGPT plugin effectively when searching through PDF documents. 

If this is something that would be helpful to you please read on and enjoy!

Accessing the ChatWithPDF ChatGPT Plugin

Before you can utilize the features of ChatWithPDF, it is essential to make sure that the plugin is loaded correctly. A few steps will have to be taken to ensure that the plugin functions properly with your PDF files. Firstly it needs to be installed and activated, this process I will cover in another post.

Once completed you should have an option that looks like this.

ChatWithPDF ChatGPT

If you can see this you are all set.

What features do you get with the ChatWithPdf ChatGPT Plugin?

Before diving into the many use cases for the ChatWithPDF plugin, it is important to first understand its features. Here’s a brief overview of the two main capabilities:

Load PDF:

This function allows users to load a PDF document from a URL. The document must be publicly accessible on the Internet. The plugin can handle documents directly linked from a website or shared via Google Drive (with appropriate access permissions). Users can also upload their documents to a service like Upload Document and provide the generated link.

Tip for Using ChatWithPDF ChatGPT plugin

Getting Started: It’s worth noting that I had a bit of difficulty getting ChatwithPDF to read the files I put on the various online document services, however, when I put my files on google drive and set the share permissions to anyone who had the link it worked very well, I had access to the entire document in a few seconds and could query it at will.

Query PDF:

Once a PDF document is loaded, users can ask questions or make queries based on the content of the document. The plugin will extract relevant parts of the document in response to the user’s request. This function is particularly useful for finding specific information within large or complex documents.

9 use cases for ChatWithPDF.

  • Research Analysis: Researchers can load academic papers or reports in PDF format and ask specific questions about the content, aiding in literature reviews or comparative studies.
  • Legal Document Review: Lawyers or paralegals can load legal documents, contracts, or case files to quickly extract specific clauses, definitions, or sections without having to manually search through the entire document.
  • Technical Manual Reference: Engineers or technicians can load technical manuals or guides and ask questions about specific procedures, parts, or troubleshooting steps.
  • Educational Resource: Students can load textbooks or lecture notes to ask questions about specific topics, concepts, or examples, enhancing their learning experience.
  • Business Report Analysis: Business professionals can load financial reports, market research, or strategic plans and ask questions about specific data, trends, or strategies.
  • Medical Document Review: Healthcare professionals can load medical research papers, patient reports, or clinical guidelines to ask questions about specific medical conditions, treatments, or protocols.
electronic documents
  • Policy Document Review: Government officials or policy analysts can load policy documents or legislative texts to ask questions about specific policies, regulations, or legislative clauses.
  • Book Summarization: Book clubs or individual readers can load entire books to ask questions about specific characters, plot points, or themes, aiding in discussion or comprehension.
  • News Article Analysis: Journalists or news enthusiasts can load long-form news articles or investigative reports to ask questions about specific events, people, or statements, aiding in their understanding or reporting.

ChatWithPDF list of prompts.

Research Analysis:  Query PDF “What does the paper say about the impact of climate change on biodiversity?” or “Summarize the methodology used in this study.”

Legal Document Review: Query PDF “Find the clause related to intellectual property rights in this contract.” or “What does the document say about the termination conditions?”

Technical Manual Reference: Query PDF  “What are the steps to troubleshoot the cooling system as per this manual?” or “Find the specifications of part XYZ in this guide.”

Educational Resource: Query PDF  “Explain the concept of photosynthesis as described in this textbook.” or “What are the key points in these lecture notes about the French Revolution?”

Business Report Analysis: Query PDF  “What does the report say about the company’s financial performance in Q4?” or “Summarize the market trends identified in this research.”

Medical Document Review: Query PDF  “What are the recommended treatments for condition XYZ as per this clinical guideline?” or “What does the research paper say about the side effects of this drug?”

Policy Document Review: Query PDF  “What are the key points of the new environmental policy as per this document?” or “Find the section about data privacy in this legislative text.”

Book Summarization: Query PDF  “Who are the main characters in this book?” or “What are the key themes in this novel?”

News Article Analysis: Query PDF  “What are the key events described in this news article?” or “What statements did person X make in this investigative report?”

Where does this plugin excel?

ChatWithPDF ChatGPT is a cutting-edge plugin that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with PDF documents. This plugin will excel in numerous areas, such as providing specific information quickly and easily.

pdf analysis
Got It!

Whether you are conducting research for a business analytics project or analyzing scholarly research for a paper, ChatWithPDF ChatGPT can help you find information with ease. The plugin’s powerful machine learning algorithms allow it to perform a textual analysis of PDF documents quickly and accurately.

This means that you can locate and identify precise details within any PDF document within seconds. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive instruction manual, ChatWithPDF ChatGPT is easy to use even if you have no prior technical background.

Another area where this plugin will excel is in its ability to search through government documents, technical manuals, public records, literary works, and other types of PDF documents. By using the ChatGPT Plugin from the plugin store or integrating it into your existing third-party application, you can easily discover relevant information in these types of documents.

Overall, the versatility and efficiency of ChatWithPDF ChatGPT make it an excellent tool for anyone who regularly works with PDFs. Whether you are researching scholarly papers or analyzing business records, this plugin can help you pinpoint precise details quickly and easily.

Can ChatWithPDF Improve your research strategy?

ChatGPT can be a game-changer for anyone who works with electronic documents, papers, or records. The plugin can help users locate the information they need easily and quickly through a conversational interface that uses advanced AI algorithms for textual analysis. 

Users can simply upload their PDF document to the ChatWithPDF platform, and within seconds, the plugin will identify and pinpoint specific information relevant to their research needs.

Moreover, when it comes to literary works, ChatWithPDF ChatGPT can provide research assistance, literary criticism, and analysis of any PDF document. 

For instance, students writing a thesis or conducting extensive research on a particular topic could use the plugin’s features to find data that is buried deep within official documents or papers.

The tool can also be helpful in finding specific data mentioned in an instruction manual or user manual. Overall, by using ChatWithPDF ChatGPT as part of your research strategy, you’ll save precious time that you might have spent on manually scanning pages of text for necessary information.

Likes and Dislikes:


  • Increased productivity: by providing a faster and more efficient way of extracting data from PDF documents.
  • An excellent resource: researchers who need to review vast amounts of scholarly research or government documents. By utilizing the plugin’s advanced language model ChatGPT users can generate prompts and obtain precise details in a matter of seconds.
  • Extract: relevant information from company reports or public records makes it ideal for market research or financial analysis.
  • Chatwithpdf: provides an effective way of analyzing digital documents without the need for expensive software programs.


  • Although the ChatGPT language model is precise in its detailed extraction there are still limitations when it comes to certain types of PDFs particularly those with poor-quality OCR embedded text and handwritten notations.
  • Relying solely on artificial intelligence tools may cause a loss of accuracy since they cannot replace human intuition completely in decision making especially when highly sensitive business decisions have serious consequences attached.

ChatWithPDF ChatGPT plugin Conclusion

In conclusion, the ChatWithPDF ChatGPT plugin provides an innovative and efficient solution to the challenges presented by extensive data within PDFs. For professionals, scholars, and even casual readers dealing with the immense volume of information enshrined in PDF documents, this tool streamlines information extraction processes, providing a reprieve from cumbersome manual searching. 

The plugin brilliantly combines the ChatGPT language model’s capabilities with detailed textual analysis, allowing users to extract precise data from loaded PDFs rapidly. Moreover, its application spans various spectrums, including business analytics, research, and educational resources, among other fields, highlighting its versatility.

research data

The ability of ChatWithPDF ChatGPT to effortlessly sift through an array of documents –  be it academic papers, financial analyses, technical guides, or literary works – and deliver precise and relevant information underscores its potential, making it a game-changer in a world driven by information. 

While it is necessary to recognize that there may be limitations in its application, such as difficulties with poor quality OCR embedded texts and handwritten notations, the benefits it offers are unparalleled. The effectiveness of the plugin in transforming diverse data sets into relevant and easily digestible information not only augments productivity but also mitigates the likelihood of errors.

If you have an issue recovering information from mounds of PDF files this is well worth a try.