9 Best SEO Tools for small businesses

By David McLeod | Updated on July 11, 2023


As a website owner, blogger, or marketer, you know the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) in driving traffic to your website. However, achieving good rankings on search engines can be a challenging task. Thankfully, a number of SEO tools are available to help you enhance your website and boost your search engine rankings. In this post, we will discuss the 9 best SEO tools that can help you achieve your SEO goals.

For instance, some tools are better at keyword research while others excel in backlink analysis. Some offer comprehensive solutions while others specialize in specific aspects of SEO. Furthermore, since Google and other search engines continually update their algorithms, an up-to-date tool is essential for staying ahead of the curve.

The good news is that today’s market is full of sophisticated yet accessible tools designed to help improve your website’s ranking performance and visibility within search engine results pages (SERPs). From Surfer SEO, SEMrush, and Ahrefs, to SE Ranking and beyond, you’ll find an impressive range of options tailored to different budgets and preferences. This guide will help you identify which ones are best suited for your particular needs — so you can get back to focusing on improving your digital presence.

Let’s explore the possibilities of what is available, what they cost, and how they can benefit you.

Best SEO tools
Source SEMrush

The benefits of using SEO tools

Using SEO tools has many benefits, including:

  • Improved rankings: The best SEO tools provide insights that can help you optimize your website for better search engine rankings.
  • Increased traffic: Better search engine rankings lead to increased traffic to your website.
  • Competitive advantage: Using SEO tools can help you stay ahead of your competition.
  • Cost savings: With their comprehensive analysis of backlinks, keyword ranking, and more, SEO tools are an invaluable resource for increasing organic traffic and boosting search engine rankings.


Surfer SEO


Surfer SEO is one of the best seo tools around, an all-in-one tool that provides a comprehensive analysis of your website/web page content, structure, and backlinks. It also provides suggestions for optimizing your website for better search engine rankings.

Who will benefit from using it:

Website Owners:

Surfer SEO offers a powerful suite of features that can help website owners understand their link-building activity and maximize performance.

Best SEO tools


Surfer SEO tools can help bloggers increase traffic to their blogs by improving visibility in search engines.

Digital Marketers:

Digital marketers can use Surfer SEO’s suite of features to gain a better understanding of their client’s websites.

Best Overall Feature:

Surfer SEO’s Content Editor analyzes your content against the top-ranking pages for your target keyword and provides suggestions for optimizing your content.

Key Features:

Keyword Research

The Keyword Research feature is a powerful tool that allows users to research and analyze keywords, identify keyword difficulty, and find related keywords for their content. This feature has several benefits, including the ability to find relevant and profitable keywords for content creation, identification of long-tail keywords and niche-specific keywords, and insights into keyword difficulty and competition for targeted keyword optimization.

Best SEO tools
Source SurferSEO

SERP Analyzer

SERP Analyzer is a powerful feature that enables users to analyze search engine results pages (SERPs) and discover opportunities for keyword optimization and content improvement. With this feature, users can analyze the content and structure of top-ranking pages and gain insights into search intent and user behavior for optimized content creation. Additionally, SERP Analyzer enables users to identify gaps and opportunities in search results, offering a competitive edge in content creation and link building. Overall, Surfer SEO’s SERP Analyzer is a useful tool for improving website performance and search engine rankings.

Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer is a useful Chrome extension by Surfer SEO that enables users to access keyword data such as search volume, CPC, and more, directly within Google search results. With Keyword Surfer, users can conveniently and quickly access keyword data while browsing search results, gaining insights into keyword performance and competition while conducting keyword research. Furthermore, SEO professionals, bloggers, and content creators can utilize Keyword Surfer to identify related and relevant keywords for optimized content creation, making it a valuable addition to their arsenal of SEO tools.

Best SEO tools

Backlink Analyzer

A valuable tool for website owners, bloggers, and marketers who want to improve their backlink profile and drive more traffic to their sites. With Backlink Analyzer, users can analyze a website’s backlink profile, identify link-building opportunities, and monitor backlink performance.

Grow Flow

Surfer SEO’s latest feature is a powerful tool that utilizes AI and machine learning to offer real-time content optimization suggestions. By analyzing user behavior and search intent, Grow Flow provides accurate keyword optimization and content creation recommendations. Benefits of using Grow Flow, in conjunction with Google Trends, include the ability to optimize content for specific keywords, gain insights into user behavior and search intent, and ultimately improve the website and SERP performance through data-driven content optimization. By leveraging both tools, users can stay on top of the latest trends and tailor their content to meet the needs of their audience, resulting in better overall SEO performance.

Why users rate this product highly:

Users rate Surfer SEO highly for its comprehensive analysis and easy-to-use interface.

Likes and Dislikes:
  • Provides comprehensive analysis,
  • Easy-to-use interface,
  • All-in-one SEO tool,
  • Keyword Surfer provides search volume data for keywords,
  • Can seem expensive,
  • A limited number of projects for the basic plan,
User Comments:

Users praise Surfer SEO for its comprehensive analysis, ease of use, and helpful support team.

Pricing Plans:
Best SEO tools
Source SurferSEO
Surfer SEO FAQ’s:

Surfer SEO is considered to be one of the best SEO tools for content optimization. However, it’s important to note that the best SEO tool for your website depends on your specific needs and budget.

Yes, Take advantage of the 7-day free trial, and experience the benefits for yourself!

Yes, Surfer SEO provides a comprehensive research tool that can help you find keyword ideas for your content.

Absolutely! By using Surfer SEO to optimize your content, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in Google’s search results and driving more traffic to your site.

Surfer SEO Conclusion

Surfer SEO is one of the best seo tools available, offering website owners powerful analysis, detailed data, and clear insights to help them optimize their websites for Google Search Console and top SERPs. With its intuitive user interface and comprehensive feature set, Surfer SEO makes it easier than ever to pursue search engine optimization with confidence. Through its in-depth analysis of backlinks, keyword rankings, and more, users can identify the most effective optimization changes to get the most out of their websites. Thanks to its effectiveness and straightforward approach to SEO, Surfer SEO has quickly become one of the go-to options when it comes to optimizing websites for higher seo metrics and organic traffic growth.

To read my in-depth review on Surfer SEO Click Here



Ahrefs is also one of the best seo tools available, offering users an incredibly powerful backlink analysis tool that provides detailed insights into their own and their competitor’s backlink profiles. It not only reveals which websites link to you and your competition, but it also delivers important insights about the type, quality, and quantity of links for each website.

Best SEO tools
Source Ahrefs
Who will benefit from using it:

E-commerce store owners:

Ahrefs can help e-commerce store owners to improve their search engine rankings, identify and optimize their top-performing products, and track their competitors’ strategies.

Content creators:

Ahrefs can be useful for content creators, including copywriters, journalists, and social media managers, who need to optimize their content for SERP. It can help them to identify relevant keywords, track their content’s performance, and analyze their competition.

Digital Marketers:

Ahrefs can help users to analyze their competitors’ strategies, identify link-building opportunities, and stay ahead of industry trends.

Best Overall Feature:

Ahrefs’ Site Explorer is an invaluable SEO tool that provides detailed insights into your website’s backlink profile. With Site Explorer, you can easily see the total number of backlinks, referring domains, and anchor text for any given website or page, allowing you to quickly identify areas for improvement.

Best SEO tools
Source Ahrefs

If you’re serious about improving your website’s search engine rankings, then you need a top-notch SEO tool in your arsenal. And when it comes to analyzing your website’s backlink profile and finding link-building opportunities, Ahrefs’ Site Explorer is a must-have tool. With Site Explorer, you can dive deep into your website’s backlinks and uncover valuable insights that can help you boost your website’s authority and climb the search engine rankings.

Key Features:

Content Explorer

This is a versatile tool that helps users find popular and relevant content in their niche, analyze its performance, and identify link-building opportunities. With the ability to search for content by keyword, topic, and author, users can find high-performing content and popular trends in their niche. Additionally, Content Explorer offers opportunities for content optimization and improvement, as well as link building. Overall, Content Explorer is a valuable addition to any SEO toolset, providing unique insights into content creation and promotion.

Keyword Explorer

With its groundbreaking ability to efficiently research and analyze keywords, this tool is an indispensable asset. With this feature, users can identify search volumes and difficulty, as well as find relevant and profitable keywords for their content. Benefits of using Keyword Explorer include the ability to find and target relevant and high-traffic keywords, insights into the competition for keywords and opportunities for keyword optimization, and identification of long-tail and niche-specific keywords for targeted content creation.

Best SEO tools
Source Ahrefs

Ahrefs’ Rank Tracker

This feature allows users to monitor their website’s search engine rankings and track their performance over time. The benefits of using Rank Tracker include the ability to monitor search engine rankings for specific keywords, gain insights into the effectiveness of SEO strategies and adjustments, and track progress and set goals for search results.

Site Audit:

The Site Audit feature in conjunction with Google Trends helps users to analyze their website’s technical SEO and identify issues that may negatively impact their search engine rankings. By providing insights into website performance and opportunities for improvement, users can set goals for technical SEO optimization and track progress. With Google Trends data, users can gain a better understanding of the popularity of certain search terms and how they relate to their website, further enhancing their technical SEO efforts.

Why users rate this product highly:

Users rate Ahrefs highly for its extensive backlink analysis and keyword investigation capabilities.

Likes and Dislikes:
  • Rich Functionality: Ahrefs offers a wide range of features, including website research, content exploration, keyword research, and a rank tracker.
  • Large keyword and backlink index: Ahrefs has an extensive index of keywords and backlinks, allowing for comprehensive analysis.
  • Easy to master: The Ahrefs platform is user-friendly and easy to learn.
  • Domain ranking metrics: Ahrefs provides valuable domain ranking metrics.
  • No free trial
  • Pricing: Ahrefs can be expensive for some budgets, with plans starting at $99/month.
  • Expensive for single-feature use: Ahrefs may be considered overpriced if you only need one specific feature, such as rank tracking or backlink analysis
User Comments:

Users praise Ahrefs for its powerful backlink analysis capabilities and user-friendly interface.

Pricing Plans:
Best SEO tools
Source Ahrefs

No Free Trial, But if you own a website, sign up for Ahrefs Webmaster Tools and receive free restricted access to Site Explorer & Site Audit!

Ahrefs FAQ’s:

Yes, Ahrefs allows you to upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time.

Ahrefs offers a range of powerful keyword research tools, including Keyword Explorer and Content Explorer, which allow users to analyze search volumes, and keyword difficulty, and identify relevant long-tail keywords.

Yes, you can use Ahrefs to track the popularity of a particular keyword over time. In addition to providing keyword metrics such as search volume and difficulty, You can also compare the search volume trend of a keyword with other related keywords using Ahrefs’ Google Trends integration.

Product Conclusion

Ahrefs is a powerful SEO tool that provides backlink analysis and extensive keyword research capabilities, among other features. With Ahrefs, website owners can monitor their website’s backlink profile, identify potential backlink issues, and create strategies to improve their backlink quality. Similarly, Ahrefs is a seo tool that provides valuable insights into relevant and profitable keywords and helps website owners to create content optimized for those keywords.



SEMrush is an all-in-one SEO tool that provides a comprehensive analysis of your website’s content, structure, and backlinks. It also provides insights into your competitors’ websites.

Best SEO tools
Source SEMrush
Who will benefit from using SEMrush

Digital marketers:

SEMrush offers a range of seo tools that can help digital marketers with tasks such as keyword research, competitor analysis, and PPC advertising.

SEO professionals:

SEMrush provides insights into search rankings, backlinks, and on-page optimization, making it a valuable tool for SEO professionals.

Content creators:

SEMrush offers content marketing tools, such as topic research and content templates, that can help content creators optimize their content for search engines and improve their overall content strategy.

Best Overall Feature:

Domain Overview is considered one of the best SEO tools for website owners, bloggers, and marketers who want to improve their search engine rankings. It offers a complete analysis of a website’s organic search performance by allowing users to monitor their keyword rankings, backlinks, and competitors all in one place.

Best SEO tools
Source SEMrush

With SEMrush’s Domain Overview, users can quickly view their website’s organic search traffic, keyword positions, and other essential metrics. Additionally, this feature allows users to compare their website’s performance with their competitors, providing valuable insights for creating a competitive SEO strategy.

Key Features:

Keyword Research: This SEMrush feature provides extensive research capabilities, including keyword suggestions, related keywords, and difficulty scores. You can also view keyword metrics such as search volume, CPC, and competition level. This feature is crucial for identifying high-traffic, low-competition keywords that can help improve your website’s search engine rankings.

Site Audit: The Site Audit feature provides a comprehensive analysis of your website’s technical and on-page SEO, including broken links, missing tags, and duplicate content. With this feature, you can identify and fix issues that are hindering your keyword strategy.

Best SEO tools
Source SEMrush

Backlink Analysis: SEMrush’s Backlink Analysis feature allows you to analyze your website’s backlink profile and identify opportunities for building new backlinks. You can also monitor your competitors’ backlink profiles and analyze their link-building strategies.

Position Tracking: The Position Tracking feature allows you to track your website’s search engine rankings for specific keywords over time. You can also monitor your competitors’ rankings and analyze their search engine strategies.

Content Analyzer: The Content Analyzer feature allows you to analyze your website’s content for SEO optimization. You can identify opportunities to optimize your content for specific keywords and analyze the readability, sentiment, and plagiarism of your content.

Why users rate this product highly:

Users rate SEMrush highly for its comprehensive analysis and easy-to-use interface.

Likes and Dislikes:
  • All-in-one SEO tool,
  • Comprehensive analysis,
  • User-friendly interface,
  • Provides insights into competitors’ web pages.
  • A limited number of projects for the basic plan,
  • The keyword investigation feature is not as extensive as some other SEO tools,
User Comments:

Users praise SEMrush for its comprehensive analysis and user-friendly interface.

Pricing Plans:
Best SEO tools
Source SEMrush
SEMrush FAQ’s:

The Pro plan allows for up to 5 projects, while the Guru and Business plans allow for more.

Absolutely! Take advantage of the 7-day free trial.

Yes, you can connect your Google Search Console account to SEMrush to get even more insights into your website’s search performance.

Product Conclusion:

Overall, SEMrush is an all-in-one SEO tool that provides extensive capabilities for optimizing your website’s content and structure, analyzing your backlink profile, and tracking your search engine rankings. Its comprehensive analysis and all-in-one capabilities make it an excellent choice for website owners, bloggers, and seo professionals who want to improve their website’s competitive analysis and drive more traffic to their site.

Moz Pro

Moz Pro is a comprehensive SEO tool that provides valuable insights into your website’s content, structure, and backlinks. Its extensive capabilities and user-friendly interface make it a popular choice among those who want to improve their search engine rankings and drive more traffic to their site.

Best SEO tools
Source Moz Pro
Who will benefit from using it:

Website owners: Who want to optimize their website’s content and structure for search engines?

Digital Marketers: Those who want to improve their website’s search engine rankings and drive more traffic to their site.

SEO professionals: You want to provide comprehensive SEO services to your clients.

E-commerce businesses: They want to improve their online presence and increase their sales.

Best Overall Feature:

When you think of the best SEO tools and analytics, Moz Pro is undoubtedly at the pinnacle. Its premiere feature, Keyword Explorer, stands out from other seo tools with its ease-of-use and comprehensive data set. which provides comprehensive research capabilities that can help you identify high-traffic, low-competition target keywords.

In the world of SEO, having the right tools can make all the difference. And Moz Pro’s Keyword Explorer is one of the best SEO tools out there. If you’re passionate about improving your website’s search engine visibility right down to individual web pages, this is the perfect solution to push your SEO efforts up a notch. Be sure to check out Moz Pro and its Keyword Explorer feature.

Key Features

Keyword Research:

Best SEO tools
Source Moz Pro

The Keyword Explorer is a powerful feature that provides extensive keyword investigation capabilities, including target keywords suggestions and difficulty scores. With the Keyword Explorer, you can identify high-traffic, low-competition keywords that can help improve your website’s search engine rankings.

Site Audit:

Site Crawl feature allows you to crawl your website and identify technical SEO issues that may be impacting your search engine rankings. The Site Crawl feature also provides recommendations for fixing these issues.

Link Explorer:

Moz Pro’s Link Explorer feature provides you with a comprehensive list of all the backlinks pointing to your website and its domain authority. With this feature, you can monitor your website’s backlink profile, analyze your competitor’s backlink profiles, and identify opportunities for building new backlinks.

Best SEO tools
Source Moz Pro

Rank Tracker:

The Rank Tracker feature allows you to track your website’s search engine rankings for specific keywords over time. You can also monitor your competitors’ rankings and analyze their search engine strategies.

On-Page Grader:

This On-Page Grader feature allows you to analyze your website’s on-page SEO and identify areas for improvement. This feature provides you with a comprehensive analysis of your website’s content and structure, including recommendations for optimizing your content and fixing technical SEO issues.

Why users rate this product highly:

Users rate Moz Pro highly for its comprehensive analysis and user-friendly interface.

Likes and Dislikes:
  • Comprehensive analysis,
  • User-friendly interface,
  • Extensive seo research capabilities.
  • A limited number of projects for the basic plan,
  • Limited backlink analysis.
User Comments:

Users praise Moz Pro for its comprehensive analysis and helpful customer support team.

Pricing Plans:
Best SEO tools
Source Moz Pro

Try the 30-Day Free Trial Today!

Moz Pro FAQ’s:

The Standard plan allows for up to 10, while the other plans allow for more.

Yes, Take advantage of the 30-day free trial!

Moz Pro offers a range of powerful SEO tools, including Keyword Explorer, Link Explorer, Site Crawl, and On-Page Grader.

Product Conclusion:

Overall, Moz Pro is one of the excellent all-in-one SEO tools that provides website owners, bloggers, and marketers with valuable insights into their website’s content, structure, and backlinks. Moz Pro’s comprehensive analysis and extensive seo research capabilities make it a top choice for anyone looking to improve their rankings and drive more traffic to their site.

Raven Tools


Raven Tools is a comprehensive all-in-one SEO tool that provides valuable insights into your website’s content, structure, and backlinks. Its comprehensive analysis, user-friendly interface, and integration with third-party tools make it an excellent choice.

Who will benefit from using it:

Bloggers: who want to increase their website’s visibility in search engine results in pages and attract more readers.

Digital Marketers: Those who want to improve their website’s search engine rankings and drive more traffic to their site.

SEO professionals:

Will want to provide comprehensive SEO services to their clients.

E-commerce businesses:

Who want to improve their online presence and increase their sales.

Best SEO tools
Source Raven
Best Overall Feature:

Overall, Raven Tools’ Site Auditor feature is a powerful tool that provides a comprehensive analysis of your website’s structure and identifies technical SEO issues that may be impacting your search engine rankings. The feature provides recommendations for fixing these issues and allows you to create customizable reports and schedule regular website audits.

Key Features:

Keyword Research:

Raven Tools provides a comprehensive keyword investigation tool that allows you to identify relevant and profitable keywords for your website. The research tool provides suggestions, search volume data, and other important metrics that help you to optimize your website’s content for better results.

Backlink Explorer:

Raven Tools’ Backlink Explorer allows you to analyze your website’s backlink profile and identify opportunities for building new backlinks. The Backlink Explorer provides information on the quality and authority of each backlink, helping you to identify high-quality backlinks and build a strong backlink profile.

Best SEO tools
Source Raven

Rank Tracker:

Raven Tools’ Rank Tracker allows you to track your website’s search engine rankings for specific keywords over time. You can also monitor your competitors’ rankings and analyze their search engine strategies.

Social Media Management:

Raven Tools’ Social Media Management tool allows you to manage your social media accounts and schedule posts in advance. With this tool, you can track your social media performance and engage with your audience on social media.

Likes and Dislikes:
  • All-in-one SEO tool,
  • Comprehensive analysis,
  • User-friendly interface.
  • A limited number of projects for the basic plan,
  • Limited seo research capabilities.
User Comments:

Users praise Raven Tools for its all-in-one capabilities and helpful customer support team.

Pricing Plans:
Best SEO tools
Source Raven

Get the 7 Day free trial

Raven FAQ’s:

The Start plan allows for up to 3 projects, while the other plans allow for more.

Yes, Get a head start with the 7-day free trial!

Yes, Raven includes a Social Media module that allows you to manage and track your social media presence. You can use it to monitor your social media accounts, schedule posts, analyze engagement metrics, and track the performance of your social media campaigns.

Raven is suitable for businesses of all sizes, including small businesses. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive suite of SEO tools make it easy for anyone to manage their website’s SEO performance. Raven offers plans that cater to different business needs and budgets, ranging from a basic plan suitable for small businesses to more advanced plans suitable for larger enterprises.

Product Conclusion:

As one of the best seo tools available, Raven Tools’ all-in-one SEO capabilities and comprehensive analysis make it a top choice for website owners, bloggers, and seo professionals who want to maximize their website reach. With Raven Tools, you can conduct in-depth keyword research, optimize your website’s content and structure, track your search engine rankings, and manage your social media accounts, all within one platform.



Majestic’s backlink analysis capabilities and competitor analysis feature make it an essential tool for SEO Professionals, Bloggers, and Digital Marketers who want to improve their search engine rankings and drive more traffic to their sites. With Majestic, you can analyze your backlink profile, track your competitors’ backlink profiles, and develop a plan to optimize your backlink profile and improve your search engine rankings.

Who will benefit from using it:

SEO Professionals: SEO professionals can use Majestic to analyze their website’s backlink profile and identify opportunities for improvement. With this information, they can develop a plan to optimize their backlink profile and improve their website’s search engine rankings.

Best SEO tools

Bloggers: Bloggers can use Majestic to analyze their blog’s backlink profile and identify opportunities for building new backlinks. With this information, they can increase their blog’s visibility in search engines and drive more traffic to their site.

Digital Marketers: Digital marketers can use Majestic to evaluate their website’s backlink profile and their competitors’ backlink profiles. With this information, they can develop strategies for building high-quality backlinks and gain a competitive advantage in their industry.

Best Overall Feature:

Majestic’s Trust Flow and Citation Flow metrics are considered as the best overall feature of their backlink analysis tool due to the insights they provide to users. These two metrics are proprietary measures developed by Majestic that evaluate the quality and quantity of backlinks to a website.

Trust Flow measures the trustworthiness of a website’s backlink profile, indicating the authority and quality of the sites linking to it. This metric is calculated based on the quality of the sites that link to the website, the number of links pointing to the website, and the quality of the links pointing to the website. The higher the Trust Flow score, the more trustworthy and authoritative the website’s backlink profile is considered to be.

Key Features:

Site Explorer: Majestic’s Site Explorer allows users to enter a website URL and get a detailed analysis of the website’s backlink profile. Users can view the number of backlinks, referring domains, and anchor text distribution, as well as other metrics like Trust Flow and Citation Flow.

Backlink Analyzer: Majestic’s Backlink Analyzer provides users with a detailed analysis of a specific backlink. Users can view the Trust Flow and Citation Flow of the backlink, as well as other metrics like anchor text and link location.

Best SEO tools
Source Majestic

Site Comparison: Majestic’s Site Comparison allows users to compare their website’s backlink profile with up to five competitors. Users can view the number of backlinks, referring domains, and Trust Flow and Citation Flow of each site, allowing them to identify areas for improvement and develop a strategy to outrank their competitors.

Keyword Checker: Majestic’s Keyword Checker allows users to enter a keyword and get a detailed analysis of the keyword’s search volume, competition, and other metrics. This information can help users identify high-value keywords and develop a plan to optimize their website’s content for those keywords.

Link Context: Majestic’s Link Context feature provides users with additional information about a backlink, including the surrounding text and the relevance of the link to the content on the page. This information can help users identify high-quality backlinks and develop a strategy to optimize their backlink profile.

Why users rate this product highly:

Users rate the Majestic product highly for its extensive backlink database, which provides valuable insights for link building and SEO strategy. Its user-friendly interface and accurate metrics also make it a popular choice among SEO professionals.

Likes and Dislikes:
  • Majestic’s Trust Flow and Citation Flow metrics are valuable in determining the quality and authority of a website’s backlink profile.
  • Provides insights into competitors’ backlink profiles,
  • Majestic has a large index of backlinks, making it a valuable tool for analyzing backlink profiles.
  • The interface and user experience may not be as user-friendly as some other SEO tools on the market.
  • Majestic’s interface can be overwhelming for new users, and the tool may not be as user-friendly as other SEO tools on the market.
User Comments:

Users praise Majestic for its powerful backlink analysis capabilities and helpful customer support team.

Pricing Plans:
Best SEO tools

New customers subscribing to Lite or Pro plans are eligible for our 7-day money-back guarantee, offering peace of mind on their first subscription. Not a Free trial But it reduces the risk!

Majestic FAQ’s:

Majestic is a backlink analysis tool that provides users with valuable insights into a website’s link profile. Its benefits include the ability to analyze backlinks, identify high-quality link-building opportunities, and monitor link performance over time. It also offers advanced features like the Trust Flow and Citation Flow metrics, which help users evaluate the quality and relevance of backlinks. With Majestic, users can improve their link-building strategies and boost their search engine rankings.

Majestic is known for its extensive backlink database and advanced link analysis capabilities, making it a top choice among SEO professionals. However, some users find the interface to be less user-friendly compared to other tools, and the pricing plans can be more expensive.

Yes, Majestic can be integrated with a range of other SEO tools and platforms such as Google Analytics, SEMrush, and Ahrefs. These integrations allow for a more comprehensive analysis of a website’s backlink profile and provide additional insights into its search engine performance.

Yes, Majestic SEO provides valuable insights into a website’s backlink profile, allowing users to identify high-quality backlinks and opportunities for link building. Users can analyze their competitors’ backlink profiles and strategies for link building, and monitor their own backlink performance. This makes Majestic SEO a useful tool for those looking to improve their link building strategy.

Product Conclusion:

Majestic’s powerful backlink analysis capabilities make it a top choice for website owners, bloggers, and marketers who want to improve their search engine rankings. With Majestic, users can conduct an in-depth analysis of their backlink profile, including the number of backlinks, referring domains, anchor text distribution, Trust Flow and Citation Flow metrics, and more.

SE Ranking


Overall, SE Ranking’s comprehensive analysis, competitor analysis, keyword research, backlink analysis, and social media management features make it a top choice for website owners, bloggers, digital marketers, and entrepreneurs eager to boost their search engine rankings and attract more visitors to their website, there is no better solution. With SE Ranking, users can develop a data-driven strategy that improves their search engine rankings and drives more traffic to their site.

Who will benefit from using it:

Agencies: An excellent choice for agencies that manage multiple websites and need a tool to provide comprehensive SEO analysis for their clients. With SE Ranking, agencies can track their clients’ search engine rankings, analyze their competitors’ websites, and develop a data-driven SEO strategy to improve their client’s search engine rankings.

Best SEO tools
Source SE Ranking

Enterprises: SE Ranking’s enterprise-level features make it an excellent choice for large organizations that need to optimize their website’s content and structure and analyze their backlink profiles. With SE Ranking, enterprises can develop a strategy that improves their search engine rankings and drives more traffic to their site.

Digital Marketers: These comprehensive keyword analysis and research capabilities make it an excellent choice for digital marketers who want to optimize their website’s content and structure for search engines. With SE Ranking, digital marketers can identify high-value keywords, analyze their competitors’ websites, and develop a strategy to outrank their competitors in search engine results.

SMBs: Small and medium-sized businesses can benefit from SE Ranking’s all-in-one SEO tool, which provides comprehensive analysis and tracking features at an affordable price. With SE Ranking, SMBs can optimize their website’s content and structure, analyze their backlink profiles, and track their search engine rankings, all in one platform.

Best Overall Feature:

SE Ranking’s Keyword Research tool is one of its best features, providing extensive research capabilities that help users identify high-value keywords and develop a strategy to optimize their website’s content for those keywords.

Key Features:

Site Audit: SE Ranking’s Site Audit tool provides a comprehensive analysis of your website’s content and structure, including missing tags, and duplicate content. With this information, users can identify areas that need improvement and develop a plan to optimize their website for search engines.

Backlink Analysis: SE Ranking’s Backlink Analysis tool provides a detailed analysis of your website’s backlink profile, including the number of backlinks, referring domains, and anchor text distribution. With this information, users can identify high-quality backlinks and develop a strategy to optimize their backlink profile.

Best SEO tools
Source SE Ranking

Rank Tracking: SE Ranking’s Rank Tracking tool allows users to track their search engine rankings for specific keywords over time. With this information, users can identify trends in their search engine rankings and develop a plan to improve their rankings.

Competitor Research: SE Ranking’s Competitor Research tool allows users to analyze their competitors’ websites, providing valuable insights into their SEO strategy. This information can help users identify opportunities for improvement and develop a strategy to outrank their competitors in search engine results.

Why users rate this product highly:

Users rate SE Ranking highly for its comprehensive analysis and affordable pricing.

Likes and Dislikes:
  • Comprehensive SEO tools: SE Ranking offers a wide range of SEO tools to help improve your website’s search engine rankings, including keyword research, site audit, backlink monitoring, and more.
  • Competitive pricing: SE Ranking offers a range of pricing plans, making it an affordable option for businesses of all sizes.
  • White label reports: SE Ranking allows users to create customizable, white-label reports to share with clients, making it a great option for agencies.
  • User-friendly interface: SE Ranking’s interface is easy to use and navigate, even for beginners.
  • No mobile app: SE Ranking does not have a mobile app, which may be inconvenient for users who need to access the platform on the go.
  • Limited integrations: SE Ranking has limited integrations with other tools, which may make it less convenient for users who rely on a variety of tools for their SEO efforts.
  • Limited keyword tracking: SE Ranking’s keyword tracking feature is limited compared to other SEO tools, as it only allows users to track up to 250 keywords on their basic plan.
User Comments:

Users praise SE Ranking for its user-friendly interface and helpful customer support team.

Pricing Plans:
Best SEO tools
Source SE Ranking

Try it today with the 14-Day free trial

SE Ranking FAQ’s:

SE Ranking is an all-in-one SEO platform that provides tools for keyword research, competitor analysis, website auditing, and rank tracking. It also offers features for social media management and marketing automation. Users can benefit from SE Ranking’s intuitive interface, customizable reports, and affordable pricing plans.

Yes, SE Ranking integrates with popular tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Google Ads. It also offers integrations with Zapier.

SE Ranking’s website audit feature analyzes website performance and identifies technical issues such as broken links, duplicate content, and missing meta tags. It also provides recommendations for improving website structure and on-page optimization.

Yes, SE Ranking allows you to track your competitors’ search rankings and compare them with your own. You can see which keywords they are ranking for and identify opportunities to improve your own rankings. Additionally, you can track their backlinks and monitor their social media activity to gain insights into their overall online presence.

Product Conclusion:

SE Ranking’s all-in-one SEO capabilities and affordable pricing make it a top choice for website owners, bloggers, and marketers who want to improve their search engine rankings. With SE Ranking, users can develop a data-driven SEO strategy that improves their search engine rankings and drives more traffic to their site, all without breaking the bank.


Strengths: Serpstat is a comprehensive all-in-one SEO tool that provides users with a wide range of features and insights to help them optimize their website’s content and structure, analyze their backlink profile, track their search engine rankings, and conduct in-depth competitor research.

Best SEO tools
Source Serpstat
Who will benefit from using it:

Agencies: Agencies can benefit from using Serpstat to manage multiple clients and conduct in-depth SEO analysis across multiple websites. With Serpstat, agencies can develop a comprehensive SEO strategy that covers all aspects of website optimization, from keyword research and site audit to backlink analysis, rank tracking, and competitor research.

Website Owners: Website owners can benefit from using Serpstat to optimize their website’s content and structure, conduct research, and track their search engine rankings. With Serpstat, website owners can identify high-value keywords and develop a plan to optimize their website’s content for those keywords, improving their search engine rankings and driving more traffic to their site.

Best SEO tools
Source Serpstat

E-commerce Businesses: E-commerce businesses can benefit from using Serpstat to conduct keyword research, optimize their product pages for search engines, and track their search engine rankings. With Serpstat, e-commerce businesses can identify high-value keywords and develop a content strategy that drives more traffic to their product pages and increases sales.

Content Marketers: Content marketers can benefit from using Serpstat to conduct keyword research, optimize their content for google analytics, and track their search engine rankings. With Serpstat, content marketers can develop a content strategy that attracts more visitors to their website and improves their search engine rankings.

Best Overall Feature:

Serpstat’s Keyword Research and keyword tool is a powerful feature that provides users with extensive research capabilities, including keyword suggestions, difficulty scores, long-tail keyword discovery, and keyword grouping. These features are essential for developing a comprehensive SEO strategy that drives more traffic to your site and improves your search engine rankings.

Best SEO tools
Source Serpstat
Key Features 

Site Audit: Serpstat’s Site Audit feature provides users with a comprehensive analysis of their website’s content and structure, including broken links, missing tags, and duplicate content on individual web pages. This seo tool also provides suggestions for improvement, helping users optimize their sites for google analytics and improve their google console rankings.

Backlink Analysis:

Serpstat’s Backlink Analysis feature provides users with insights into their website’s backlink profile, including the number of backlinks, referring domains, and anchor text distribution. The tool also provides insights into competitors’ backlink profiles, helping users identify link-building opportunities and develop a backlink strategy.

Rank Tracking: Serpstat’s Rank Tracking feature allows users to track their search engine rankings for specific keywords over time. The tool provides users with valuable insights into their search engine performance and allows them to monitor their progress as they implement their SEO strategy.

Competitor Analysis: Serpstat’s Competitor Analysis feature provides users with insights into their competitors’ websites, including their top organic keywords, backlink profile, and more. This information can help users develop a data-driven SEO strategy that outperforms their competitors and drives more traffic to their site.

Why users rate this product highly:

Users rate Serpstat highly for its all-in-one SEO capabilities and extensive keyword research.

Likes and Dislikes:
  • Serpstat offers a variety of tools to analyze your website’s SEO performance, including keyword research, site audit, backlink analysis, and competitor analysis.
  • Serpstat offers a range of pricing plans to fit different budgets, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes.
  • Serpstat’s interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it easy for even beginners to use.
  • Serpstat offers reliable customer support via email and chat, with prompt and helpful responses to users’ questions and concerns.
  • While Serpstat does offer backlink analysis tools, they are not as comprehensive as some other SEO tools on the market.
  • Serpstat’s site audit feature is not as robust as some other tools, making it less effective for in-depth technical SEO analysis.
  • While Serpstat offers competitor analysis tools, they may not provide a complete picture of a competitor’s SEO strategy.
User Comments:

Users praise Serpstat for its user-friendly interface and helpful customer support team.

Pricing Plans:
Best SEO tools
Source Serpstat
Serpstat FAQ’s:

Serpstat provides a suite of tools for keyword research, backlink analysis, and site audit to help optimize your website’s content and structure. By identifying relevant keywords, analyzing your backlink profile, and identifying technical issues on your website, you can improve your website’s search engine rankings and attract more traffic to your site.

Yes, Serpstat’s competitor analysis tool allows you to analyze your competitors’ websites for insights into their keyword rankings, backlink profiles, and overall search engine performance. This information can help you identify opportunities for improvement and inform your SEO strategy.

Serpstat uses a robust database of search engine data to provide accurate keyword data, including search volume, CPC, and competition level. However, it’s important to note that keyword data can fluctuate over time, so it’s important to regularly monitor and update your keyword strategy.

Yes, Serpstat offers integration with Google Search Console, allowing you to access data on search queries, clicks, impressions, and click-through rates directly in Serpstat’s interface.

Product Conclusion:

Serpstat’s all-in-one SEO capabilities and extensive keyword research make it a top choice for website owners, bloggers, and marketers who want to improve their search engine rankings and drive more traffic to their sites. With its comprehensive capabilities, user-friendly interface, affordable pricing, and excellent customer support, Serpstat is a top choice for SEO professionals.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider


Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a powerful website crawler that allows users to analyze their website’s structure and identify any technical SEO issues that may be impacting their search engine rankings.

By crawling your website, the tool provides you with a comprehensive list of all broken links, missing tags, and duplicate content that may be causing issues with your website’s performance. By addressing these issues, you can improve your website’s overall user experience and search engine visibility.

One of the main strengths of Screaming Frog SEO Spider is its ability to provide detailed and actionable insights into your website’s structure. The tool provides a clear and concise breakdown of all issues found during the crawl, making it easy for users to prioritize and address any issues that may be hurting their website’s performance.

Another strength of Screaming Frog SEO Spider is its flexibility and customization options. The tool allows users to customize their crawl settings, including the ability to exclude or include specific pages or directories. This makes it easy to focus on specific areas of your website and identify any issues that may be affecting your search engine rankings.

Who will benefit from using it:

Website owners: Can use Screaming Frog SEO Spider to identify any technical issues with their website, such as broken links or missing tags, that may be negatively impacting their search engine rankings. By addressing these issues, website owners can improve their website’s user experience and make it easier for search engines to crawl and index their site.

Best SEO tools
Source Screaming Frog

Bloggers: can use Screaming Frog SEO Spider to optimize their blog posts and improve their search engine rankings. By identifying any issues with their blog’s structure, such as broken links or duplicate content, and by optimizing their blog for search engines, bloggers can make sure that their content is readily available and visible to the people they want to read it.

SEO specialists: can use Screaming Frog SEO Spider to analyze a website’s structure and identify any technical issues that may be negatively impacting its search engine rankings. By addressing these issues, they can help their clients improve their online visibility and drive more traffic to their sites.

Web developers: can use Screaming Frog SEO Spider to ensure that their websites are optimized for search engines and that they are compliant with web standards. The tool’s comprehensive analysis of a website’s structure can help web developers identify any issues that may be hindering a site’s performance and take steps to address them.

Best Overall Feature:

Screaming Frog SEO Spider’s website crawler is considered its best feature. This tool provides a comprehensive analysis of a website’s structure, including broken links, missing tags, and duplicate content. By crawling through a website and identifying these issues, Screaming Frog SEO Spider provides users with the information they need to optimize their site’s structure and improve their search engine rankings.

Key Features:

Page Analyzer: The Page Analyzer feature allows users to analyze individual pages on their website and identify issues that may be negatively impacting their search engine rankings. This feature can help users optimize their content and improve their page’s relevance for specific keywords.

Link Analyzer: The Link Analyzer feature allows users to analyze their website’s internal and external links, identifying broken links, redirects, and other issues that may be negatively impacting their search engine rankings. By identifying and fixing these issues, users can improve their website’s link profile and drive more traffic to their site.

XML Sitemap Generator: The XML Sitemap Generator feature enables users to quickly and easily create an XML sitemap for their website. XML sitemaps help search engines crawl and index a website’s pages more efficiently, ultimately improving its search engine rankings.

Best SEO tools
Source Screaming Frog

Custom Search:

Screaming Frog SEO Spider’s Custom Search feature allows users to search for specific keywords or seo metrics on their website, making it easier local seo and to identify pages that may need optimization.

Why users rate this product highly:

Users rate Screaming Frog SEO Spider highly for its comprehensive website crawling capabilities.

Likes and Dislikes:
  • Comprehensive website analysis: Screaming Frog provides a detailed analysis of a website’s technical SEO, including broken links, missing tags, and duplicate content.
  • Customizable filters: Users can filter data based on specific criteria, allowing for targeted analysis and optimization.
  • Large-scale crawling: Screaming Frog can crawl large websites with thousands of pages, making it a valuable tool for enterprise-level SEO.
  • Integration with other tools: Screaming Frog can be integrated with other SEO tools, such as Google Analytics and Search Console, for a more comprehensive analysis.
  • Steep learning curve: Screaming Frog can be complex and overwhelming for beginners, and may require a significant learning curve.
  • No automatic monitoring: Screaming Frog does not automatically monitor a website for changes and must be manually re-crawled to update its data.
User Comments:

Users praise Screaming Frog SEO Spider for its website crawling capabilities and user-friendly interface.

Pricing Plans:
Best SEO tools
Source Screaming Frog
Screaming Frog FAQ’s:

Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a website crawler that analyzes your website’s structure and provides insights into technical SEO issues, such as broken links, duplicate content, and missing metadata.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider provides valuable insights into your website’s structure and technical SEO issues, allowing you to optimize your website for better search engine rankings and user experience. It also offers advanced features such as XML sitemap generation and site visualization.

Yes, you can use Screaming Frog on multiple websites, but you will need to purchase a license for each website. Screaming Frog offers both annual and perpetual licenses, with discounts available for multiple licenses.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider has some limitations, such as being limited to crawling up to 500 URLs in the free version and requiring technical expertise to use some of its more advanced features. It also doesn’t provide data on search volume or keyword rankings.

Product Conclusion:

Screaming Frog SEO Spider’s comprehensive website crawling capabilities make it a top choice for website owners, bloggers, and marketers who want to improve their search engine rankings. So, if you’re ready to get serious about your SEO and improve your search results.

Overall Post Summary

SEO tools are indispensable in the world of online business, especially in optimizing web pages, analyzing backlinks, and tracking search engine rankings. In this article, we have carefully reviewed nine of the best SEO tools in the market that can help businesses achieve their online goals, without including Google Analytics.

Each of the reviewed SEO tools has its unique strengths and features that cater to different user needs. For instance, Ahrefs is particularly suitable for site audit and backlink analysis, while SEMrush provides a comprehensive analysis of a website’s organic search performance. Surfer SEO offers advanced content optimization features, and Keyword Surfer provides keyword data directly from Google search results. Screaming Frog SEO Spider is an excellent website crawler that detects technical issues, while Moz Pro’s Keyword Explorer is great at identifying high-traffic, low-competition keywords.

In conclusion, these SEO tools offer tremendous value in improving website performance and increasing online visibility. By selecting the tool that best aligns with your needs and budget, you can leverage these tools to achieve your online marketing goals.

Happy Optimizing